Chapter Two

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"Ok, you are a different type of vampire to what we are, what are the differences?" I started.

"Umm... Well when Edward, Carlisle and I met it was only very briefly. So I'm not quite sure," said Stefan.

"Well I'll tell you some things about us and then you tell us about yourselves."


"So when we are turned we are bitten by another vampire and when the venom is injected into our system which starts an excruciating three day process where we are changed into vampires." Edward said.

"Wow," Elena said with sympathy,"that must be painful."

"It is," I said remembering very well the pain and the fire.

"It is much less painful for us. The human has to drink the vampires blood and then they have to die, and then when they come back to life they will be in the 'transition' phase where they need to feed off of a human within 24 hours or else they die," said Damon.

"Wait, you said that you have blood," I questioned.

"Yes, it can heal any injury that we get or if we give it to a human, their injury. We actually knew a doctor once that drugged us well me with vervain, so that she could take our blood and give it to patience so they wouldn't die."

"Firstly, we don't have blood, we are make of a stone like texture, and secondly, what is vervain?"

"Vervain is a plant that burns us if we touch it and weakens us if it is injected into our system. It is like wolfsbane for werewolves," said Stefan.

"Werewolves? As in Shapeshifters?" Asked Edward.

"No, werewolves, that change on the full moon."

"We have shapeshifters, except we call them werewolves because they change into a werewolf. There is a whole pack of them at La Push." I said.

"Interesting, we can talk more in the morning, but we must be going to bed now," said Elena. "It was really interesting talking to you."

"Wait. Sleep?" 

"Yeah, don't you?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Well anyway we will see you tomorrow morning," said Elena as she, Stefan and Damon headed down the short hallway and into their rooms. 

"Did you know they were different?" I asked Edward. 

"Yes, but not how they were different. It has been Carlisle that has kept in touch with Stefan all of these years."

I kissed him then we went into our room to watch Renessme sleep. It was one of our favourite past times. It was just like how Edward would sit in silence in my room at Charlie's house, when I was still human.

We sat down next to each other and watched her lay there, occasionally mumbling a few words that we couldn't understand. Edward liked it the most because he could see what she was dreaming.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Edward smile. Renessme was dreaming a happy dream. 


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