Chapter Four

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"Sunlight..." said Stefan. "Well, in sunlight we burn, but we have these rings called daylight rings that protect us from the sunlight. They are made by witches."

"Witches?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have witches..."

"What about you is sunlight? Do you burn?" asked Elena.

"No, not burn." I replied.

"Do you want to see?" said Renessme enthusiasticly as she dragged Stefan, Elena and Damon outside.

"Wow." They all said in unison as they saw Renessmes skin in the sun. Being a hybrid ony ment that she could glow, not sparkle like Edward and I, but our visitors were still amazed.

"Just remeber that she is only half vampire," Edward said. "This is what our vampires look like when they are in the sun," he said as we stepped out of the house into the light of the sun. As we did we saw the three of their mouths drop in astonishment.

"Ok, I really want to be their kind of vampire now," said Damon.

"Alright, come on, lets go!" I said. Renessme climbed onto Edwards back and we raced off to the house.


"Alice says that there will be some more of your friends coming in about an hour," said Carlisle as we entred the house.

"Yes, I believe that Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy and Matt are coming, and I think that is all of our friends." replied Stefan.

We all went about our daily buisiness. Elena, Stephen and Damon were sitting in the living room talking about something. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I find it facinating, their kind of vampires so I was curious.

"Something has been bothering me since we got here, and I know that it can't possibly be true, but..." said Elena in a hushed tone, obviously trying to keep it a secret. A secret in a house full of vampires... not a good idea.

"What is it?" asked Damon impatiently.

"I think Renessme is my doppleganger." She blurted out. Both Stefan and Damon were silent so Elena kept on talking. "I know it can't possibly be true because Bella and I aren't in anyway related, and I was the last doppleganger so there isn't meant to be one for another few generations, but Renessme looks just like I did when I was a child."

Stefan and Damon were still silent.

"Please say something," Elena pleded with them.

"Well..." started Stefan. "Remember when i did that research on your birth parents..." It sounded especially like he had been keeping this secret for a long time.

"Yes, Isobel Fleming. Why?"

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I walked over to where they were sitting. I could feel the presecnce of many eyes staring at me. "Isobel Fleming is your birth mother?" I asked just wanting to clear things up and make sure that I had heard it right.

"Yes," said Elena.

"I remember my mother telling me something when I was about twelve years old. She told me that when she was about five, her parents were in a car crash which killed them. That left her and her new born baby sister in an orphanage where they were soon adopted. She was adopted by the Higginbothams and changed her last name to theirs. If it means anything, her and her sisters original last names were Pierce. My Mum never knew what happened to her sister, only that she was adopted by the Flemings," I could see the disbelief creeping up on their faces, especially Elena's. "Elena, Isobel Fleming is my mothers biological sister."

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