Chapter 16

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Raph fell off the couch at a sudden kick in his gut. He groaned. "What the hell!"

He lifted himself off the floor, ready for murder until he heard crying. He shot up at the sound.

Mikey was whimpering, kicking desperately at the air.

Raph kneeled by the couch, gripping Mikey's shoulders softly. He shook him, whispering comforting nothings.

Mikey's eyes squinted open, a small gasp leaving his throat. "R- Raph?"

"Yeah, it's me."

Mikey lunged at him, capturing him in a tight hug.

"Mikey, careful, careful! You're going to hurt yourself!"

Mikey yelped. "Oops, I should've-" he winced. "I shouldn't have done that so quickly."

Raph laughed before his lips moved downwards, face scrunched in concern.

"You okay?"

Mikey flashed him a bright smile. "Yeah, I'm goo-"

"Don't lie Mikey."

"No, really, I ok. I just had a nightmare."

"What was it about?"

Mikey cracked a smile and shuddered. "Squirrelanoids."

Raph snorted. "Really?"


Raph shook his head, rolling his eyes. "You kicked me off the couch."

"Oh- You probably deserved that."

"You little- !" Raph jumped at him.

Mikey clenched his jaw with a hiss, hands gripping his bandages. "Um... Raph."


He looked down as Mikey tightened his grasp, blood clearly soaking through the bandages.

Raph inhaled sharply, hands hovering over his younger brother.

"I- Oh God, Mikey- I didn't mean to-"

"No, Raph, it wasn't you, it must've happened when I hugged you earlier," Mikey assured him with a wince.

Raph swallowed, nodding slowly. "But what if I made it worse?"

Mikey stuck his tongue out. "What are you talking about, you have to try harder than that to hurt the amazing Mikey!"

Raph offered a wobbly smile. "Let's wake up Donnie so he can fix you up again."

Mikey nodded as Raph shoved the purple masked turtle off the couch. Donnie muttered a bunch of curse words as he sat up, glaring at the smirking Raph.

"Gee, wow Raph, thanks for PUSHING ME OFF THE COUCH."

"Shhhh, Don! Leo is still sleeping!" Mikey whisper yelled.

Donnie rubbed at his temples. "Did we all fall asleep on the couch?"


"Ok, and why exactly did you wake me up?" He crossed his arms.

"Oh, um, I started bleeding," Mikey grinned innocently.

Donnie paused, his sleep-deprived brain mulling over this information. "Oh. Let's go fix you up then."

Mikey lay in his own bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was so strange to think how in this huge universe, he existed as the tiniest speck. It made him feel lonely somehow. No- Not lonely, but special. 

It was quiet, except for the light breaths from his brothers who were laying on either side of him. He knew he definitely wasn't alone. He never would be. And that thought alone, would be the beginning of his recovery.


I really hope you have enjoyed! All the votes and comments really mean so much to me! This was the first fanfic I ever wrote and I'm happy it turned out decently. <3

~How rare and beautiful, it is, that we even exist.~

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