Chapter 9

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Mikey had woken up incredibly early. He knew his brothers would want to have a talk with him again, for one, because they still didn't know where the Xanax bottle was hidden. A part of him didn't even want to tell them, but he knew if he continued this, he could overdose again, and this time Donnie might not be able to save him. He had to stay alive for his brother's sake. He hadn't been permitted to sleep in his room just yet, so Mikey had to settle for the bed made for him in the lab. Surprisingly, Donnie hadn't slept in his lab like he usually did, which partly had to do with Mikey's urging for him to get some real sleep. Mikey had honestly had a really hard time falling asleep and he had woken up at four in the morning. After an hour of doing absolutely nothing, he made his way to Donnie's room from the spot he'd been sitting at in Don's spinning chair. He entered quietly without knocking. The door creaked a little and Mikey winced but Donnie continued on sleeping, a soft whistling emitting from the gap in his teeth. 
Mikey tiptoed across the floor to Donnie's bed and sat down. 

"Donnie?" He asked, making sure he was asleep. 

There was no response so Mikey continued on in a whisper.

"Don, I'm scared... I don't really know what you meant by withdrawal symptoms, but they sound scary. I don't know what to do... I feel so stupid and-" Mikey paused, sighing heavily.

"I'm just scared... and ashamed."

The bed shifted and Mikey nearly shrieked. Had he heard what Mikey had said?

"Mikey?" Donnie asked groggily.

"Uh, yeah D?"

"What time is it?"

"Five... Why?"

"Just, wondering."

Mikey nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

Mikey smiled sheepishly. "Couldn't get back to sleep."

"Hm, insomnia is a withdrawal symptom."

"Insoma- what now?"

"Insomnia, meaning it's hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or you to wake up too early. You'll feel tired even if you do get sleep."


Donnie smiled, throwing back the covers. 

"How are you feeling little brother?"

Mikey shrugged. "I've been better."

"Let's go get some breakfast now that we're up."


Mikey found himself following after Donnie, he was all jittery for some reason, there was this impending doom that was looming over him like an ominous shadow. 

"Donnie..." Mikey called as they entered the kitchen. 


"Uh, I have this feeling again."

Donnie turned to look at him with immediate concern.

"What feeling?"

"It's like when you're nervous, I can feel it in my stomach. " He looked up at Donnie. "I want pills, D."



"Mikey, no."

"Don- " Mikey felt himself get hot. "Please! Just one..."

Donnie looked over the trembling form of his brother. 

"How about some pizza instead?"

Mikey whimpered. "But I want to take more, I have to!"

"No. You don't. Mikey, we all want you to get better, you just have to stay focused."

"But-" Mikey sniffled. "What if I can't?"

"Give yourself a little time, you'll get through this."

Mikey turned away from his brother as big fat tears began to slip down his face. 

"You don't understand-" Mikey's voice cracked.

"Then make me understand."

Mikey whirled around tears flooding from his eyes. "How am I supposed to make you understand when I don't even understand?!"



"Mikey? Donnie? What's going on?" Leo asked, bursting into the room, Raph right at his heels.

"Yeah, what's all the yellin about?"

"Nothing, " Mikey responded promptly, wiping the fresh tears off his face.


"We were just about to find something for breakfast."

Donnie shook his head disapprovingly as Leo and Raph sad down at the table, oblivious to Mikey's facade.

"How's pizza?"

"Sounds good, " Leo answered.

Donnie let out a frustrated sigh as he joined his older brothers at the table. Mikey got the leftover pizza from a couple of nights ago and proceeded to warm it up before serving everyone. He joined them at the table as they began to eat.

"How are you feeling Mikey?" Leo asked before taking a bite of a huge pepperoni.

Mikey looked up from his half-eaten pizza and shrugged. "Fine."

He ignored the glare he received from Donnie. 

"I'm just tired."

"You should get more rest then, skip morning practice."

"Okay! " Mikey grinned, stuffing the rest of the pizza in his mouth.

He stood up to leave but Donnie jumped up and yanked him back by his wrist. Mikey yelped.

"Donnie?" Leo inquired, standing up to protect Mikey if necessary.

"Mikey, before you go, you have to give me the pills."


"Mikey, give me the pills, " he commanded. 

Mikey whimpered, surrendering in Donnie's grip.

"They're in my room."

"Where in your room?"

Mikey looked down, hesitating.

"Under the bed."

Donnie looked to Raph. "Go get it."
Raph nodded briskly and left the room.

The room was silent until Raph returned a few minutes later with two small bottles in his hand. 

"You had two?" Donnie asked, searching Mikey's eyes.

Mikey shrugged. 

"Mikey, come on! Talk to us."

Leo put a hand between them, looking straight at Mikey. 

"Give him time Donnie."

Donnie sighed, taking a step back in resignation.

"Ok Mikey, you can go now, if you want."

Mikey stayed there a minute, examining the faces of his older brothers, then without a word he turned and left. 

"Sewer apples..."

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