Chapter 13

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Mikey dragged his tongue across his lower lip, tasting blood. His ears were numb from the incessant ringing. He bit at the dry skin of his lip and winced. Why was the sound of nothing so loud? He shivered at the feeling of cold cement against his bare skin, but he wasn't cold, just uncomfortable. Lifting his eyes from the floor, he peered into the room. It was dark and empty. He found himself vaguely wondering the time of day. With shaky arms, he lifted himself off the concrete. It was so quiet he was scared of using his own voice. The smell of the sewers filled his nostrils, and he relished in it, no matter how foul. 

Mikey could hear noises coming from somewhere nearby, and he knew they were from above him. He rubbed his eyes, somehow making it upstairs despite the lack of stairs or ladder. He moved slowly, eyes darting around in the dim hallway, expecting to catch some sort of movement. 

A loud thump sent his head snapping to the right. There was a door. Warm light seeped out from underneath but left only silence. He froze in front of it, reaching for its brass knob. The door opened with a low creak, and he wasn't sure if he'd opened it or if it had just opened on its own. In the center of the room was a bed, not much else. The bed was dressed in white sheets and beside the single pillow was his decaying stuffed bear. He reached out for the ragged toy as if he were willing it to come to him. As he drew closer to the bed, he caught sight of a desk he hadn't noticed, overflowing with papers and books. He swept his gaze across it to a distinct wooden picture frame. His eyes flicked to the photo and narrowed. Was that him in the picture? He clasped the frame and brought it closer. A younger version of himself was grinning, flanked by his three older brothers and sensei. 

He stared at it until another thump rang throughout the room. He jumped, the frame slipping from his grip and shattering across the floor. He whirled around, but still, there was nothing there. 

"Hello?" Mikey finally called out. 

His voice was raspy and foreign. He forced a cough, trying to clear his throat. He wanted to ask if someone was there, but when he opened his mouth again, nothing came out. He stood, mouth gaping like a fish.

He tilted his head before turning around, this time coming face to face with a ladder. He brushed his hand across the cool metal as he looked up, but it didn't lead anywhere. Mikey frowned.

There was nothing else in the room, so he began climbing. The more he climbed, the further the top seemed. Then it crumbled in his grasp, but he didn't fall. His skin tingled as drops of water were suddenly pouring down on him. He lifted his head, met by chilly rain as sky replaced ceiling. The rainwater ran into his eyes. He was on a rooftop, he could tell from the large a/c unit and the expansive cityscape spread out in all directions. He made his way to the edge and peered down into the alleyway. He swallowed dryly, clutching the edge of the building. Dark crimson trailed down the concrete and windows, pooling down beside a dumpster. He blinked. Then he heard a voice. It was strained and eerily familiar. 

He turned to his right and made out a dark figure clinging onto the side of the building. His body seemed to move on its own as he shifted to the side and quickly grabbed hold of the person's hands, hauling him up. There was blood streaming from his mouth and his eyes were glassy, breaths coming out in short ragged huffs. 

"Wha- "

He stumbled backward, crumpled to the floor. Wide-eyed, he pushed himself up on quaking forearms, peering into his own face. He watched his double watch him through distraught eyes. He brought his hand to his mouth, finding it warm and wet. His breathing shallowed as he glanced down at the blood oozing through his fingers. 
When he finally dragged his eyes back up, his counterpart was giving him a sad smile. His head felt detached from his body. 


"You're ok."


"You don't have to hate yourself anymore."

"I- I don't understand...?"

The other him stepped to the side, revealing his father.


Splinter simply opened his arms. Mikey let out a cry as he flung himself into his father's arms. 

"Papa! I'm scared! I don't wanna die!"

Splinter shook his head, gripping the young turtle tighter. 

"Don't worry little one, it's not your time yet."

Mikey let out a shuddering sob, nuzzling into the crook of Splinter's neck.

"Your brothers need you. Go on now, go back to the living."

"The living?" Mikey echoed.

His father motioned behind him, and when he turned a blinding white overtook his senses, jerking him into darkness.

Hope you enjoyed!

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