Chapter 5

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By the time Mikey's crying had ceased, the pounding in his head and the trembling of his body was unbearable. Every time he closed his eyes he could see his brother's disappointed faces, and hear their harsh words. Mikey couldn't stand it anymore. He could feel the salty water trickling down his face, but he ignored it as he clasped the bottle, pulling it out of its hiding place in his belt. 

"I know I said I would stop, but-" 

Mikey broke off in a sob. He grabbed a glass of water and in an attempt to drown out his sorrows, he took all of them, every last pill. Mikey wiped his tears and lay back onto his pillows. He could feel the tranquility wash through him, along with the guilt, but as always, the peace won. Within seconds, he was fast asleep. 

When he awoke again, the lair was quiet and oddly still. He got up from his bed and carefully unlocked and opened the door. The hallway was dimly lit as he walked out of his room, tracing the wall with his hand. Mikey crept forward, wondering where everyone was. Then an idea sprouted in his mind. He had barely gotten a chance like this, and honestly, he felt scared. Scared of himself. 

He continued down the hallway and into the living room, where he approached the exit. Now he could hear voices coming from inside the lab, they were laughing and it almost made him change his mind, but he pushed on. Quietly as possible, he continued sneaking out of the lair. He was going to April's to steal more pills. He didn't want to, he honestly didn't, but he felt he had to.

When he finally reached her apartment, he gently knocked on her window. It was silent for a second before the redhead peered out from behind the curtains. 

"Mikey?" She asked as she opened the window. "It's early."

"Hey April, sorry to intrude, I was just wondering if we could talk..."

"Sure Mikey, " she motioned for him to enter.

Mikey climbed in and gazed around for a second before sitting down. 

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I um- I've been dealing with some stuff, and well, lately I've been feeling sad."

"Sad? Like depressed?"

Mikey shrugged. "I guess."

"Well, why do you feel sad?"

"I don't know, it's when my brothers yell at me or tease me, I just- I don't know."

"I get it, Mikey. Why don't you talk to them, I'm sure they'll understand?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Mikey stood up, brushing a hand over her dresser. 

"You're room is so clean... I bet my brothers would like me better if my room was like this."

"Aww, Mikey, don't worry, they love you just the way you are."

Mikey sighed. 

"Well, I should go before I get in trouble."

"Ok, bye Mikey."

"Bye, and thanks, April!"

Mikey left her room, jumping across rooftops with the new bottle clasped in his fist.
When he made it back to the lair, Leo was standing there waiting for him.

"Uh, hey Leo."

"Where were you?"

"Just out for some air, that's all."

Leo narrowed his eyes. "How am I supposed to believe you after last time?"

Mikey groaned silently. " Look, I'm sorry."

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