Chapter 14

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He didn't really know what had happened. Everything was blurry, the world appeared to be spinning. All he could remember was sensei holding him and then- well this. With a grunt, he lifted himself into a sitting position, grimacing. His stomach churned in protest at his movements and he had to lean over to the side as the foul mix of bile and pizza crawled up his throat. He gagged, dry heaving over the mess. He wiped his mouth and began taking in his surroundings. He was on a rooftop, it was raining, and his brothers were still lying there beside him. The amount of blood beneath him gave him a start, and he scrutinized it until he realized it was his. 

"Oh- I should wrap it." 

He took off his mask and then his brother's, apologizing as he did. He proceeded to tie them together and did his best to set it over his shoulder. It wasn't helping much and he knew he had to wake his brothers up somehow. He prayed the drugs had worn off by now as he dragged himself to Donnie once again, leaving blood everywhere. 

"Don? Donnie?" He shook him.

There was no response or sign of life. 

"Donnie?" Mikey took a risk and slapped his brother as hard as his trembling hand could manage.

"Come on, D."

To Mikey's surprise, Donnie's face scrunched up and his bloodshot eyes snapped open. He immediately sat up, eyes glazed as they darted around, before landing on Mikey.

"Mikey?" His voice was weak as he squinted at his younger brother.

Mikey gave him a smile and motioned to Leo and Raph.  Donnie gave him a look of confusion. 

"Are you ok?"

Mikey gulped, afraid his voice would betray him. "I'm fine, help Leo and Raph."

Donnie seemed to notice the blood on the cement, because he stared at the ground then at Leo and Raph, returning to Mikey with concern. 

"This- Is all yours?"

Mikey couldn't lie. "It is, but I'm ok, I promise."

Donnie shook his head. "There's no way you're ok if you've lost this much blood. You're probably running on pure adrenaline."

Mikey thought for a moment. "No, I was out for a while, I woke up a little bit ago. I think Sensei saved my life."

"What? Sensei was here?"

Mikey narrowed his eyes. 

"No, not here. Here," He said, tapping the side of his head.

"What? How can that save your life, the only thing that could-"

"I don't know dude, I had this crazy dream, I thought I was dying, and then Sensei was there telling me to come back and I did." 

Donnie took a look around him again, this time spotting Mikey's mess from earlier. 

"Oh, god, Mikey is that-?"

Mikey flushed and quickly moved in front of his pile of vomit. "Dude! Don't look at it!"

Donnie shielded the view with his hand. "Well, we need to get back to the lair. How did you wake me up?"

Mikey grinned sheepishly. "I slapped you."

"Ok, I'll see if I can wake them up, you stay there."


A couple of minutes later, Leo had woken up and along with Donnie, was still couldn't wake up Raph.

"Raph come on!" 

Mikey giggled as he watched, receiving a glare from Donnie.
Leo sighed. "How about we carry him?"

"But we have to carry Mikey too."

"I can walk," Mikey protested.

"Absolutely not."

"If you can get Mikey, I'll get Raph."

Don groaned. "Fine. But how are we gonna get the manhole-cover up?"

"I can stand for a bit while you lift it," Mikey offered. 

Donnie screamed into his hands then hauled Mikey on his back, Leo doing the same with Raph.

"Let's go then."

After an arduous journey, they reached the lair, where they were greeted by their father. 

"Sensei! I need to get Mikey in the lab. Leo put Raph on the couch and watch him, he should wake up soon, if he doesn't, come get me."

Leo nodded and Sensei took Mikey, who had fallen asleep, in his arms, finally relieving Donnie of the weight. 

Donnie rested for only a moment before rushing after Sensei. Mikey was laid out on a cot and Donnie finally got a good look at Mikey's injuries.

"It looks like he was stabbed, multiple times."

"Is it life-threatening?" Sensei questioned.

"No, but the amount of blood he lost might be. He'll definitely need stitches."

He began to gather supplies. 

"I think I'm gonna need Leo to do a blood transfusion." 

Sensei nodded, stepping out of the room. Donnie sighed, steading his hand as he gripped the needle. 

"Thank you for saving us, little brother." 

"I'm sure you're returning the favor." Leo smiled from the lab doorway. 

Donnie stared at him for a second. 

"Uh- Sit down Leo."

He did as he was told, and Donnie got back to work. 


By the time Raph had eventually woken up, Mikey was stitched up and stable. Leo was seated on the beanbag and Donnie was pacing the living room. 

"Guys?" Raph croaked.

Donnie whirled around. "Oh thank god, I thought maybe they'd given you a dose so strong you-"

"Woah, Woah, slow down Don."

Donnie mumbled an apology as Raph sat up. 

"What happened?"

"We were drugged."

"Not that Donatello. I remember that."

"Oh, right, sorry."

"Well, Mikey saved our shells and we had to carry both of you back here."

"Mikey? Is he ok?"

Donnie exchanged glances with Leo. 

"Well, he's fine now."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"He got stabbed-"

"Stabbed! Where is he!?" Raph jumped from the couch nearly losing his balance.

"Calm down, he's fine, he's in the lab."

Leo lifted himself, watching Raph. 

"Don't go barging in, he's asleep-" Raph was already gone.

"Ah- Nevermind."

"Donnie, let's go thank Mikey and make sure Raph hasn't strangled him yet."

Donnie chuckled. "Yeah, let's do that."

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