Chapter 22

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"Ok, no. That's the wrong way" Mason laughed

"I don't understand!" I throw the remote at him "This game is stupid"

"Hey now!" Mason blocked his head from being hit and then but his hands over his heart almost hurt. Everyone was laughing at us as we bickered about the game

"I give up"

"I'm hungry, anyone else hungry?" Ashley asked standing up. A lot of yes's were heard

"I'll come help you" Mesa said following Ashely out of the room

Mason and Nash went back to playing their game. I watched for a few seconds as they shoved each other around, before I felt a light tug on my hand. I looked over to Tyler who was pointing to the door that led out into the hallway. I smiled and we both snuck out of the room without being seen by the boys who were to busy with their game to notice. 

We walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor where Tyler said all the bedrooms were. We walked down man halls before stopping at a group of doors that had names written on them.

"Oh god Mason" I started lightly laughing at what he put on his door "The almighty sexy Mason?" I question

"Sometimes I think Mason was dropped on his head as a kid" Tyler began walking down the hall "Multiple times" shaking his head Tyler pulled a set of car keys from his pocket

"What are you gonna do with car keys?" I ask walking closer to see his name is written on the door

"Getting the key for my bedroom" he waved a weird shaped key in my face causing me to push it away before he stabbed my eye

He opened the door letting me walk in first. I walked around his big bedroom and looked at all his trophies, some were for baseball others for football and other sports. I walked over to a small fireplace near a off white door and looked at the pictures. Most were of him and his friends, but looking closer I saw one with a man in his early thirties and a woman in her late twenties. There was a little boy about eight, they all had smiles and I picked it up

"That's my mom and dad" I heard a whisper next to my ear and arms wrap around my waist

"You guys look so happy" I say looking over the smiling faces. I was jealous

'I never got to have a whole happy family'

"We were" he sighed taking the picture away from me and putting it back before dragging me over to his king size bed

"Why do you need such a big bed?" I question as he pulled me into his lap and flipped on the TV that was sitting in front of the bed on a tv-stand

"I don't know, I felt like I needed it because I'm a king" he raised his head high and I giggled

"More like a poor prince with the brains of a mushroom" I go to move away from him only to be flipped on my back with him hovering over me "W-what-t are y-ou doing-g?" I question with a stutter

"Take it back" He smirked devilishly as he moved some hair behind my ear

"Never. I only spoke the truth" I gulped. I'd gotten some confidence being around Tyler, but at the same time I was like a scared little girl

"Hmm" he hummed and leaned down so his lips were just hovering over mine

"T-Tyler" I whispered. Suddenly the door was thrown open and Tyler jumped off me and I sat up quickly

"He-" Nash stopped mid-sentence "Did I interrupt something here?" He questioned with a raised brow. I looked away blushing and Tyler cleared his throat walking towards Nash

"No" was all Tyler said and pushed Nash out who gave me a skeptical look.

They closed the door and I sighed leaning against the headboard covering my face. 

'What was I doing? Was he really going to kiss me? Would I have kissed him back? I mean it wouldn't have been my first kiss, but still.'

 I played with my sleeves as I waited for Tyler to come back, but after about half an hour I got up and walked towards the door. I went to pull the door open, once it was open I looked down the hall and didn't see either Nash or Tyler

"Tyler?" I yelled lightly at first. After a second of no answer I screamed "Tyler?!"

I kept walking down the hall hoping to see Tyler, but it seemed as though he just disappeared. I started walking down the stairs and walked into the living room to see no one, when I looked up and around I say some doors leading outside. I spot Mesa and Ashley talking in the court yard. Surely they know where the hell Tyler and Nash went

"Hello?" I yelled out walking outside "Ashley? Mesa? Hey do you know where Tyler went?!" they both looked up at me with guilty looks before walking towards my direction 

822 words

1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Where'd Tyler and Nash go?

3- What's with Ashley and Mesa's guilty looks?


Republished date- June 26, 2021

~ TheDevil

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