Chapter 26

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"Well, well, well" Tyler and I both turned to see a man standing in the shadows behind Tyler's car "I'm surprised you haven't introduced me to your fling get"

"How'd you know I was out here?" Tyler pushed me behind him still holding one hand on my waist

"Where else would I find out? Well other then the track" I was so confused at who this man was, and how he knew Tyler

"Tyler" I pulled on his leather jacket

"Shh" he never turned to face me

"Now son let the lady speak if she wishes"

'Son? What?'

"Hello there, I'm Trever King -Tyler's dad" He stepped into the light and I nearly gasped. He looked almost exactly like Tyler, only he had brown eyes while Tyler had green "What's your name?"

"Don't answer h-"

"let the girl speak"

"Gracie" I coughed out

"Nice to meet you Gracie"

"Leave us alone, father" Tyler didn't seem to like his father

"Don't forget who your talking to boy, but I'll leave you both alone to do whatever teens do now-a-days -but I'll be seeing you at home" With that he walked away to god knows where


"We're leaving" he let go of me and walked to his driver side door. Once he realized I wasn't moving he sighed "Get in"

"That was your father" I crossed my arms and looked at him hard in the face

"Yes, now will you get in?"

"Not until you tell me what your problem is with your dad and why your so angry at him" He slammed his door closed and stocked towards me "Tyler" I took a cautious step back making him freeze at only an arms length away

"Get in the damn car Gracie, I'm not gonna ask again"

"the hell I'm gonna get in the car with you while your angry" he reached for me and I took multiple steps back

"Grace stop walking backwards" his voice changed from angry to concern quickly, he stopped walking holding out his hand "Grace"

"Then stop walking towards me! You know what, how about you just leave me alone" I took one step back, I felt my foot slip off the edge of the hill making me scream.

Before I could fully fall arms wrapped around me and I was spun around. I landed on a hard, but soft surface. Slowly I opened my eyes looking into light green ones that held so much concern and relief

"Next time I tell you to stop walking, would you listen?" I nodded getting up slowly straddling his waist

"I'm ready to go home, how about you?" I went to move, but he held my waist down "I quite like this position"

"Are you fucking bipolar?" I slapped his arms getting off of him

"Since when do you curse?"

"Are you bipolar?" I ask again

"Possibly" he shrugged "Let's get you home"

He drove me home and not once did we speak. Once I climbed up to my bedroom window I looked back to see him driving away, I crawled as quietly as I could into the room and walked blindly to my bed where I flipped on the bedside table light. I turned around and screamed

"Oh my god" I put a hand over my heart

"Where have you been?"


"Where Gracie?" she crossed her arms her back still on the doorframe

"I was with Tyler"

"Of course you were. That's who you've been hanging out with ever since you were given permission to leave the house" Ashley rolled her eyes "Mom noticed you were gone tonight"

"She did?" I sucked in a breath "W-where is she now?"

"She went out looking for you" Ashley pointed a finger at me "I texted her you were back, she's not happy Gracie"

For the next ten minutes we sat at the dinning room table waiting for Marcy to get home. Finally I heard the door slam close and a relived but angry. She set her keys on the table and laid her hands next to the keys, she looked at her keys

"Gracie?" I looked at her but she had yet to look up "Where were you?"

"On a hill just outside of town looking at the stars"

"Who were you with?" I looked towards Ashley to see her starring right at me "Who were you with?" Marcy's voice was calm

"T-Tyler" I stuttered

"God" she finally looked at me "That boy is trouble Gracie, you need to stay away from him"

"W-what-t?!" I stood up quickly knocking the chair over

"You are grounded. No more sneaking out, no more seeing Tyler, none of this crap" she pointed a finger at me "You are grounded" She quickly walked away leaving there no room to argue

"S-she can't-" I turned to Ashley "She can't do that"

"Uh, yeah she can. She's your legal guardian" Ashley said pointedly "My mom is kind of right though Gracie -Tyler is a dangerous person to be near, he is trouble. Just go to bed and don't break anymore rules"

Ashley walked up the stairs and up to her room. I turned out the lights and head up to my room, I felt the tears fall and my face hit the pillow

887 words

I might take a small break from this book and wattpad (not sure yet). I'm realizing that this book is starting to not make since, I want this book to be good and not weird or not making since. (I'm pretty sure that sentence didn't make since) I need to clear my head and get a fresh start before coming back.

I'm very sorry, you can read my other books if you haven't already in the mean time.


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Is this book making since to everyone or are things starting to be weird?

3- Do you agree with Marcy on grounding Gracie from Tyler?


Republished date- July 1, 2021

~ TheDevil

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