Chapter 2

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^Trigger warning⚠️ self-harm and abuse!^

I stare out my window from the second floor of the home that I never once felt safe in. It was raining quite hard tonight and I had a knife twisting in my hands, slowly I pull up my sleeve. I look down as I press the knife into my skin, I felt nothing as I slowly drug it down my wrist. No tears ran down my face, only blood trickled down my arm as I made many cuts. I put the knife back on the window seal.

I got up and walked into my bathroom, I turned on the water to the sink and held my arm under the tap. I watched the blood run down the drain to see it soon turn clear, I turned off the water and pull my sleeve down. As I walk out of my bathroom, I see Lisa sitting on my bed with a smirk plaster over her face. She was horrible, they both were. They never cared for me, they only loved to torture me.

"Hello slut" she growled getting up, I just stood in my spot "God you're so ugly, you know that?" She gripped my hair, I did not make a sound

She throws me to the ground, I landed on my hands and knees. I did not make a move as she grabbed the back of my hoodie and pulled me up again. She watched me for a second as I stared at the ground out of fear. Fear kept me alive this long, it would keep me alive longer. Even if I did not want to live. Who would want to live in a world like mine? They beat me unconscious, but never till I was dead

"Did you whore around with some guy today?" I kept quiet, I so wanted to say no and punch her "I bet you did, but at the same time who'd want to bang you? Your ugly" she turned around to slap me, my head napped to the right

For the next hour she beat me until every part of my body hurt or was covered in bruises. I kept quiet as she let her anger out on me, she was drunk and high, I could smell it on her breath when she got in my face. I learned a long time ago that making a face, crying, talking or fighting back only got you a far worse punishment. That is why I stopped speaking and kept a straight face

Once you learn to stop feeling, it always seemed to go by faster, but they always found a way to make me crack. They always found new ways to make me cry or scream, but this was the life I live and will forever live. Never being able to leave. After she was finished, I laid on the ground for the next twenty minutes before getting up and heading back into the bathroom

I turned on the water to the shower and slowly peeled my clothes off my body. I investigated the mirror and saw my bruised body, I had scars all over my wrists and thighs. No wonder they hated me; I was ugly. I waited a few seconds more before climbing into the warm shower, my body started to relax, and I started scrubbing my body with the body wash before doing my hair.

I got out and wrapped my body in a worn-out towel, I headed for my small closet in my bedroom. I pulled on some clean undergarments, followed by some buggy sweats and an oversized sweatshirt. I slowly made my way to my broken bed for some sleep before school in the morning. I had a real hard time falling asleep, but the rain slowly pulled me to sleep. The sound of the thunder in my ears

Not even three hours in and I was taken by the nightmares. They were horrible and I tried everything to get rid of them, nothing worked. I just sat in bed for the next six hours before it was time to get up and ready for school, a safe place. Soon I was out the door and on my long walk to school, where no one to paid attention to the broken girl in the back of the class or walking down the halls

I arrived and collected all my stuff for my first set of classes and then headed for first period. Walking to the back of the class where it was dark and no one sat, it was kind of peaceful as I looked out the window. Soon class starts and we are diving into the world of the Great Depression and how they lived. it was time to leave and head for my English class, a boring subject really, not a fan

I take my usual seat and wait for the teacher and other students to show up, I pull my hood down as it was ridding up showing part of my eyes. My ugly basic, dead brown eyes, there was no life left in them if there was any to begin with. I decided to listen to the group that was in front of me to pass the time. I am normally not a nosy person, but what else was there really to do?


849 Words


Yes, there is some violent and self-harm in this book, if you do not like it move on. Find a different book. I will try and warn you at the top of the book before the chapter begins. No, I do not condone someone cutting, it is a bad way to deal with pain. Also, she does have bad insecurity's

If you are having problems or think you are going to start cutting contact a trusted adult or someone close that could help you. I went through a low point in life where I used to cut as an escape. So, trust me when I say I know what it is like

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- When do you think she'll meet Tyler and the gang?

3- What are your thoughts on people with brown eyes?

sounds like a stupid question, but come on. It's a question that really needs to be answered


Republished date- May 28, 2021

~ TheDevil

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