Chapter 23

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"So do you know?" I asked skeptically 

"Tyler's dad sent the boys out to..." Mesa looked like she was trying to find the right words

"Run some ernes" Ashley quickly jumped in

"Yeah ernes" I didn't believe them

"Oh ok" I leaned back on my heels clasping my hands behind my back

"Hey let's go get some ice cream, about that?" Ashley offered

I only nodded, a little upset that Tyler didn't say bye to me and just left. I knew the girls were lying, I just didn't understand why. I knew they were gang, I bet the guys went to deal with gang business -So why didn't they just tell me that?

We loaded into Ashley's car heading into town. It had been a while since I went to town and to be honest it didn't change in the last few months that I was on house arrest. Marcy doesn't want me to leave the house until she's sure that I'm at least eighty present.

"Hey" I felt someone shake my arm making me turn to Mesa "We're here" she pointed towards the ice cream shop

"To be completely honest, I'm not sure what to get" I tell them as we walk into the shop

"Girl, your missing out" Mesa lightly shoved me over and I froze


"Daddy" I pulled at his sleeve "Can I get three different kinds" I held up my hand with three fingers

"You and I both know you wont eat that much" he laughed

"Please!" I kept begging

"No Grace" He grabbed my hand as we moved up to the counter


"Please daddy!" the little girl begged

"Hey" I snapped back from the father and his daughter and over to where Ashley was giving me a worried look 

"Yeah?" I asked coming out of a daze 

"You ok?" I nodded, but it didn't convince her "Are you sure, you dozed off for a second"

"Yeah, just thinking" I waved off causing her to nod

We picked up our ice cream and headed outside across the street to the park. We took a seat at an empty picnic table, it was right under a tree that gave us shade. The girls talked about this that and anything under the sun. As for me, I just ate my ice cream and watched the people around me

There were kids playing on the playset, parents walking around playing with them or just watching them. Some people were playing with dogs -others were running or just walking around. It was peaceful and I liked it like that

"We really don't know much about you" I turned my gaze from the busy park to face the girls

"Yeah and the same goes for you guys"

"Lets play twenty questions then" Ashley offered 

For the next few hours we talked and got to know each other, I of course didn't say anything personal about my past or what happened when I was living with Lisa and Jim. It was nice to actually talk to someone and get to know them

'It's nice to have friends'

589 words

You are all gonna hate me, sorry


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Still don't know where the boy really are. How angry are you?

3- What do you think about the friendship between Mesa/Ashely and Gracie?


Republished date- June 27, 2021

Love y'all to the moon and back🥰✌️,
~ TheDevil

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