Chapter 27

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I tap my leg along with the music while my eyes read over the assignment in front of me. I could feel myself nodding off when a hand is wrapped around my mouth, I snap my eyes up looking into the mirror attached to my desk and pull my earbuds out quickly. Looking into his green eye's I'm shocked

'Why was he here?'

"Why have you been dodging my calls?" he looked a bit pissed, I push his hand off my mouth

"You shouldn't be here" I pushed back my chair making Tyler back up


'How'd he get in here?'

I looked at my window which was still closed and locked. I walked to my bedroom door that was standing open and looked out into the hall

"Marcy?" I called out

"She's not here" I could here Tyler sigh as he spoke

"How'd you get in the house?" I turned from the door to face him "You know what it doesn't matter, just leave" I pointed out the door

"Come on Grace, why are you being like this? What's wrong?" he walked towards me "You can tell me"

"Leave Tyler!" I shouted

"No! I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong and why you have been ignoring me"

"You are the reason I'm grounded" I look away from his green eyes "Now please, leave" I finally whispered

"Whatever" he stormed passed me. He got to his car and sped away, I watch him drive down the road.

'I need to take a walk'

I focused on breathing as I walked alone the sidewalk with music blasting in my ears. No one knew I had gone out on a walk, that's just how I liked it -peace from everyone. I stopped walking and sat on the bench looking at the street empty of cars in front of me, every now and then a car would pass by, but other wise it was quiet

Looking down at my phone it read midnight, meaning I'd been walking and sitting on this bench for the last four hours. I leaned my head back as tears slid down the side of my face, everything was finally catching up with me. I felt the cold breeze of the wind that suddenly picked up against my face. Deciding I had enough and was ready to go home, I got up making my way back to the house

I hear a beeping sound in my earbuds making me look at my phone as it died. Sighing I rip my earbuds from my ears and shove them in my sweatshirt pocket. My phone was put in my back pocket as I walked on

"Gracie?!" I stopped and turn to face a car that had the window down and a head poking out of it

"Mesa" I crossed my arms

"What are you doing out in the cold walking along?" I look further in the car to see Ashley behind the wheel "I thought you were working on homework at the house"

"I needed a break and clear my head"

'No way was I going to tell her that Tyler stopped by'

"Well we're going to the track, wanna come?" Mesa asked

"Sure" I shrugged, what else was I gonna do

"Lucky for you I have extra clothes in the back seat" Ashely motioned to the back seat as I crawled in

I changed in the back of the car as Ashley drove out to the track. Why was I going? I was wearing a white tank-top crop-top with black ripped knee jeans, I kept my black vans on. Over the top was a blue jean jacket

"Here we are" Ashley parked her car next to Nash's truck and they quickly got out, I stopped in my tracks after opening the door to see Tyler


727 words

So I took a couple days off and now I'm back to finishing the book. Please give me you feed back and answer my questions


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- What would you do if you were in Gracie's shoes with the drama over Tyler?

3- Is everyone getting updates on my books?


Republished date- July 9, 2021

With much love
~ TheDevil

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