Part 5

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You n Jordan have been dating for BOUT for months n your going to his house to surprise his for his birthday

You pull up to his house n walk in cuz his mom gave you a key. You go to his room n hear moaning. You walk in n see him blowing a girls back out you grab your gun n cock it back. You stand there emotion less n point the gun at him

Y/n: wow

Jordan: I swear it's not what it looks like

Y/n: well to me it looks like your cheating on me n your boutta get murdered.

The girl he's with: wait i thought I was your girlfriend wtf

Jordan: i-

Y/n: oh wait fr so how long y'all been dating

The girl: a year

You start laughing

Y/n: gurl get dressed I'll take you home cuz ik you don't wanna get a ride from this cheating ass nigga

The girl get dressed n gets in yo car

The gurl : my names Jade

Y/n: mines y/n

Jade: you look familiar do ik you

Y/n: I'm nba youngboys daughter n ima bad kid so you prolly seen me

Jade: oh um you took the wrong street

Y/n: oh shoot

You drop her of n get on live

Y/n: hey y'all

The comments start saying hey wyd where you going

Y/n: well guys Jordan cheated on me n I caught him so I'm going home n honestly I don't even care that he cheated cuz I don't need a nigga.

You play top say n rap the whole thing

Y/n: this song is dedicated to Jordan

You play hear my cry

N start singing/rapping it

Y/n: y'all I'm boutta get off live cuz I'm at mikes house so byeeeee

You end the live n you walk in w injth tears in yo eyes n everyone saw your live so they know what's wrong.everybody tries to comfort you buh you just go to your room.

Bam: ima kill him

Bam leaves n call you

Bam: where that nigga live in kill him

Y/n: bam stop just leave it

Bam: no wtf he's not boutta hurt you like dat

Y/n: bam can you come cuddle me

Bam: sure whatever hold on

Bam comes to your room with snacks n y'all watch lil kid movies


y/n fell asleep on my shoulder while we watched movies she looked so cute. I posted on my priv snap a picture of us n captioned it wit "comforting my bsf threw the tough times" . N I fell asleep wit her

A couple hours later she woke me up and said "bam that picture you posted up got leaked by jordan".  I went straight to insta gram n went live I waited till bout 50k joined to talk.

Bam: hey y'all so i posted a picture on my priv snap n said comforting my bsf. N so Jordan her ex that cheated on her ss it n posted it n said " what a for always sleeping round wit niggas" like bro didn't you cheat on her. Anyways I just wanted to confirm that nothing is happeningbetween us we are just friends n that's all so he can stop speaking on us when he don't even know what's going on so yuh that's all I have to say so bye yall.

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