09 - bloody (good?) time

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before she knew it, another week had zoomed past since y/n first arrived. she was relieved in a way, because she felt as if she didn't have the time to dwell on the blue ninja.

neither jay or y/n spoke to each other after the late night incident occurred. if one were to think--as y/n had once thought--that jay was avoiding y/n before, well, they would be wrong. he had been preoccupied with training. he did have other obligations to take care of.

but now, jay was intentionally keeping his distance from y/n.

the moment the sunlight illuminated his bedroom that day, he was shot with guilt. how could he have acted so irrationally? how could he have poured his emotions to y/n when they just had reunited after two years? how stupid could he be to think y/n would actually love him again, just like that?

but most importantly, he asked himself why on earth did he say he would break up with nya, as if their relationship was nothing?

nya was the best thing he had right now. he knew that right off the bat. he felt tremendously guilty that he had dismissed her and their relationship all together when y/n came. as the days went by, he was constantly beating himself up for it.

of course he loved nya.

he just...got carried away?

in reality, jay had no specific answer as to why he said what he had said. he wouldn't throw his whole relationship with nya away if that meant he could be with y/n again.

...or would he?

he hated not knowing that response. well, more specifically, he hated not being able to bring himself to believe that conclusion. all he wanted to do at this point, was to desperately ignore the feelings he had lodged deep inside him for y/n. he kept telling himself it was all just nerves of seeing her again.

he was fine before she had arrived. he didn't think about her everyday. he hadn't cried himself to sleep anymore. their memories were tucked away at a far space in the back of his mind.

for now, for the sake of his wondering mind, jay convinced his conscious that it was because they were back in each other's lives now. but he was going to do everything in his will to make those emotions for y/n disappear. this past week made him think he was being successful, so it gave him hope.

it didn't look or feel pretty at first for y/n, though.

that same day, when all the ninja were on deck training, jay would make the greatest gestures towards nya. for instance, he would just grab her at the appropriate times and kiss nya passionately in front of the team. he did that a several times and hugged her every thirty seconds.

the first couple times he did that, y/n shuddered internally. but after she was able to put two and two together, she shrugged it all off and didn't pay anymore attention.

she knew he was trying to make her jealous. then,  jay knew she knew once she ignored them completely. that gave him the motive to stop trying, realizing that was wrong. he shouldn't have felt the need to do it to make she envious.

so, he learned his lesson and ended up sticking with avoiding y/n all together.

but that was then, and this was now.

y/n's pov

"so then, he was telling me..."

i was half listening to whatever nya was blabbering about as i practiced my punching techniques on the punching bag. she just came up to me, greeted me for the third time in the day, and started ranting about something jay did. at the mention of his name, i genuinely ceased my focus on her and increased it on throwing punches. i gave her the occasional "uh huh"'s and "yeah"'s but that was pretty much it. i really didn't want to hear anything that had to do with jay or their relationship.

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydWhere stories live. Discover now