07 - suspicions

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the day was finally arriving to an end, to y/n's great favor. she never thought that she would be welcomed to the ninja task force by so much drama and sexual tension, things she lacked all of her life. well, for the most part of her life. everyone seemed to be so fascinated by her in their own unique way, that she already could foresee a troubling time focusing on her initial goal.

maybe nya was right, y/n had thought to herself as she cleaned up the kitchen.

after y/n had finished collecting and washing the dishes that everyone left behind, she carefully sneaked past the ninja in their gaming room to the the deck above. luckily, y/n was stealthy enough to remain unnoticed. once up there, she allowed herself to train with an open mind, sucking in the air that was free of any distractions.

the only person that was stuck in her head during this period of liberty was sensei orion. she envisioned him, talking to her, his voice echoing along the light breeze. his words encouraged y/n to stay concentrated, to feel the elements around her, and to harass them to help her train. to feel better. to become better.

y/n practiced by her lonesome for three hours straight. to her greatest dismay, none of her teammates resurfaced from below deck to dedicate time to training. she thought that's all they spent their time doing; at least, they would spend more time doing so. she secretly, although she never would be caught saying this aloud, hoped jay would've gone up there to check on her. or even zane and cole.

but she most wished jay would make an appearance, so they could finally have some alone time to talk. the need to open up about her emotions was definitely on the rise. but she knew that wouldn't be a possibility with nya around.

that night, sensei wu and misako had arrived just before sunset. in the meantime, y/n had just returned from an evening run, greeted by the deserted upper deck once more. when she finally headed below deck, she encountered cole, who, startled to the core, swung instinctively at her. y/n's swift impulses saved her from being tragically injured in the face with cole's almighty punch.

"oh, y/n!" cole yelped, relieved once he took a good look at her to assure who she was. "there you are! we've been looking all over for you!"

"sorry," y/n replied, slipping out an earphone from her ear. "i was just on a run."

"all good, but come quick!" cole urged, sending hand motions as he began to walk off. "sensei wu has something for you."

following cole through the interior of destiny's bounty, y/n found herself in the dining room once more. when she entered the room, all pairs of eyes landed on her, but no one stared for too long other than three specific ninja.

to be more thorough, the blue ninja admired how y/n appeared, with her messy bits of hair sprouting everywhere from the sides of her ponytail. a soft smile appeared on his lips, wishing he could just gaze at her forever without anyone suspecting a thing.

leaning by the doorway,  the red ninja had a full view of y/n's image from behind. he took notice of the muscles on her back, beaming proud of all her hard work. his eyes slithered downwards, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what was next on his list to check out. he made sure to observe quickly though, because if his fiery red eyes gazed for too long, someone would ought to catch him.

finally, the green ninja glanced upwards from fiddling with his fingers to be greeted with the sight of a sweaty y/n. he smirked ever so slightly, his mind taking him to the place where his fantasies reigned freely. there, he saw y/n, nude, purring with moans just as he finished. the gleam on her forehead was visible in his dream and in real life. clearing his throat, he cut the creeping grin and fixed it at his usual stern facial expression, just in case he was being watched.

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt