14 - to fit or not to fit?

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*hello,,! back with another audio heheheh,, i'll let you know when to play it!

y/n's pov

"oh...jay! that hurts!"

"hold still, i'm...going as fast... as i can!"

"go faster!"

"dear lord," i muttered, face palming as i watched the two of them in horror from the safety of my bed.

jay was helping nya squirm into her pants of the gi, which for some reason didn't close up correctly. i had tried but i couldn't get it, so nya had called jay in and well, now they sounded like they were making a freaking sex tape.

"i literally don't understand!" nya shouted bitterly, a frown displayed on her face. "the gi fit me perfectly last week!"

"did you get it tailored too small?" jay and i asked simultaneously. we glanced up at one another and cracked a smile at the shared timing.

"no, at least i don't think so?" nya replied, jumping up and down to squeeze in. "i tried it on the day we came back from the tailor and it fit!"

"but that was like a week and a half ago," i commented, recalling the day she had arrived to the bounty and our whole talk went down. "well, a week and two days, to be exact. you didn't try it on since then?"

"i...did not," nya mumbled as she finally stopped jumping. she sighed, disappointed and disheartened.    "i couldn't have gained weight so fast...could i?"

jay stared at her reflection in the mirror with knitted brows. "you could've, nya. we've all spent the last week munching on snacks as our only food source." nya smacked jay in the arm, and he yelped in response. "ow!!! what?! we have!"

"but we have been training!" nya sulked,  but then she began to pace back and forth in our room. "i always try to burn everything i eat off! and if anything...you ate more than i did, y/n!"

with my arms folded across my chest, i snorted in laughter. she really could be ruthless sometimes. jay was about to laugh at the comment too, but he stopped himself short.

"fine, i'll go try on my gi then," i answered once i calmed down. "but watch it fit, because i actually spend most of my time exercising, unlike the six of you."

"hey, speak for yourself!" jay shot back in his playful tone. "our gis were quite snug, thank you very much!"

we began to laugh, even nya. that was the thing about jay—he could always make everyone laugh. his good spirit was lively, rich with purity. i always loved that about him.

i peeled myself off my bed and headed towards the closet. i reached for the case were my gi was neatly folded in, ready to head to the bathroom. but all of a sudden, a voice boomed in the room, startling the three of us.

"ladies!" it was cole, dressed up in his black gi. his thick black hair was tied in a man bun, and his bushy eyebrows raised in banter. he realized jay was in the room too, but didn't bother to add "and gentleman" to address him.  "good news! we can finally put our new gis to use, because we were called into the city! but bad news is, it's because of danger!"

"are you freaking kidding me?!" nya roared, severely aggravated. "literally the worst timing ever!"

cole just peered at nya, dumbfounded. "uh, what did i do?!"

"you might wanna leave before she explodes, cole," i advised, with a chuckle. then i turned to jay. "you too, smurf."

"smurf?!" jay exclaimed, his volume shooting at an astronomical record. "you little—"

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora