10 - partners?!?!

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y/n's pov

destiny's bounty hauled to a stop after what seemed like a freaking millisecond.

lloyd and i were too busy sparring with one another to even realize. we were just both really focused on accumulating points for every hit we took. and maybe just absorbing each other's presence.

things went back to normal after i had cleaned him up: he was spitting out his dirty thoughts while i was doing the most to get him good.

the world could rotate again.

i was glad we cleared the air. somewhat. he still looked at me with a dangerous hunger in his eyes, and every single time, i got butterflies in my stomach that sprouted my curiosity for the green ninja's imagination.

maybe he had a point.

"heeey you two," nya's voice filled the air, causing lloyd and i to stop in our tracks. she was gazing at me with an amused facial expression, hinting she was approving of this. "i hate to break your little bubble, but we're here."

"huh, already?" i gasped jokingly.

"here, let me take your gloves," lloyd mumbled, keeping his eyes glued to my hands. he waited for me to take them off before he headed off to put them away.

"omg!!!" nya squealed, as her arm unceremoniously slid its way around my shoulders. "so you and lloyd?!"

"pft, noooo," i uttered, my lips blowing a brisk raspberry. i was smiling like a fool since i was juiced up with adrenaline and banter from sparring with the green ninja. nya was taking note of all it.

"you totally like him," nya grinned sheepishly, leading me toward the exit to get down on ground.

"uh, no, i actually don't," i regained my senses and cleared my throat, becoming stern-looking once again. "he's just my friend."

"well then, color me blind, but there was something definitely going on," she replied, taking a quick scan around us. "i wish you would've chosen kai, but lloyd still works!"

"nya!" i exclaimed, but she shushed me rapidly. then i whispered: "i told you nothing's going on between lloyd and i. or with kai for that matter. i'm just doing me."

"oh yeah, because going to clean him up after you gave him a nose bleed totally shows that message."

"what??! you saw that?"

"maybeeeee. you were soooo drooling all over him!"

"i was not!" i shrugged her arm off me when we were on ground.

she became a powerhouse of giggles, drawing confused stares from jay, cole, and kai. cole flashed me a what's going on? look and i slumped my shoulders in response. 

nya finally calmed down, wiping off a tear from her eye. i crossed my arms at her, slightly ticked.

"are you done?" i questioned with a flare of annoyance.

"yes! i'm playing! hahaha! you should've seen the look on your face!" nya concluded her cackling with this last statement. "oh, man. you really will do anything to conceal your feelings, won't you?"

i didn't want to glance up, but from behind nya, i could just sense kai's and jay's ears perk to that bit of information. even though she was pretty smart to read me, i really wished she hadn't slipped that out so openly. i did not need kai acting on that or using it against me. and if jay was somehow still feeling something, i didn't want to get his hopes up.

but either way, i hated to admit it, but she was right.

"no, you're just making assumptions," i defended, uncrossing my arms. "but whatever, you are so wrong."

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora