you're gonna hate me but it needs to be done

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hi guys

so, i really tried

well, not really

but i just couldn't bring myself to even write the fucking ending

i'm so disappointed that i slacked off on something i said i'd do but honestly working and school and family and bf and friends and just life in general really just keeps me all away from this story. well honestly, wattpad in general and i don't have an ounce in me to stay anymore

so ima just say bye now ;(

BUT not without telling u what i was gonna do

so spoiler :

but what i was gonna do was have y/n be like this hybrid of sorts with astronomical powers, basically having like all the elements besides her element of void. she was (a given obviously) the most powerful being on earth. her mother was the elemental master of void and her dad was the elemental master of aether. i don't feel like explaining what that is, so use google, but the combo was just enough for her to control anything essentially. she was original from another planet so that's where powers are normal and the villain i was gonna introduce was basically a dude who came from the same planet but wanted to get rid of the entire population and his element is basically creating illusions

yea, some thanos typa shit i know i'm not the most creative mf lmao

anyway, the ending was gonna be this big epic fight scene where y/n is the only one who can stop him and he wants to take over earth yadda yadda and he possesses the love interests (jay, kai, lloyd) into thinking that y/n's the bad guy so they're also trying to take her down but at this point villain dude has the power to do more than make illusions, he can control minds so he's basically making them do that

oh also sensei orion and misako die

not during the fight scene but sometime before

anyway, ninjago is falling into shambles and shit and y/n's saving the entire population by creating a big ass and i mean BIG ASS void where everyone's taking refuge in because the villain and his army are literallt destroying the entire city so it's for their safety

she's being worn out from holding so many things in a huge portal, the biggest size she's ever made and with thousands of people inside. villain dude is close to taking defeat but he wants to make a deal with y/n to spare her in exchange for her power as a hybrid which would make him the most powerful being in the whole universe

but ofc u being the hero u say nah bitch

well he wanted to take your power after he thought it was better than to kill u

well actuallt he was gonna kill yoy anyway after taking your power


y/n, remembering her parents, sensei orion, sensei wu, her adopted siblings, the love interests, and her friends, suddenly starts absorbing every single element around her, something she was practicing but didn't get to master

meanwhile zane, wu, nya, and cole are fighting the army and bringing them down and jay, kai, and lloyd are knocked out after y/n had to basically fight them from the control of the guy

anyway y/n is like glowing silver with power and she strikes the villain with every ounce of element in the city at him as he's basically trying to take control of her mind and she manages to hit him, but unfortunately at the same time the beam is too powerful and with the weight of the void she has for the city of ninjago, she collapses because her body can no longer take it

everyone's like either actually dead, dead tired from battling or safe in the void as the city burns


i was gonna write three alternate endings

that's right

i was gonna write three different scenes where YOU get to decide if you end up with jay, kai, or lloyd

yeah, you're welcome lmao

but yeah that's the ending i wanted to write !!!!

oh i forgot to mention that the little boy was the older sister of the villain who was actually trying to help the ninja lmao

but yeah.

it's been a great journey with u guys and i appreciate you being here supporting the story in all the possible ways. i'm sorry it had to be like this but i don't wanna have to think about this anymore and continue on with my life as a twenty-year-old lmao

thanks a million again, i hope u guys have good lives

until we meet again everybody



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