Chapter 19

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Beep... Beep... Beep. As Ash's consciousness tiptoed back into existence, the first sensation greeting the raven head was the machines' distant, rhythmic beeping. The sound reverberated through the air like a distant drumroll, creating an unsettling rhythm that echoed in the room. Slowly, the blurred edges of the raven head's dreamless slumber began to lessen, revealing the sterile white ceiling of a hospital room.

Ash squinted against the harsh lights, his eyes stinging and his head throbbing as they slowly adjusted to the unfamiliar surroundings. Once the stinging eventually died down, Ash struggled to sit up. The dull ache in his body became more apparent, each movement a reminder of something he couldn't quite grasp. Memories danced on the fringes of his consciousness, just out of reach.

Ash reached up to massage his throbbing head, only to discover a bandage wrapped around it. The touch brought a jolt of pain, and he winced, the bandage a reminder of the ordeal he couldn't quite recall just yet.

A soft rustle of footsteps suddenly approached his door before the door opened. A woman in hospital scrubs entered the room. With her signature pink hair and calming demeanour, Nurse Joy greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, Ash. How are you feeling?" She questioned.

"S...Sore. What happened?" he asked, his voice a husky whisper.

Nurse Joy pulled up a chair, her expression gentle. "You took quite a tumble, dear. What do you remember last?" she inquired gently.

Tumble? The word echoed in Ash's mind. His brows furrowed as he tried to make sense of the fragments of memory teasing at the edges of his consciousness. Nurse Joy seemed to sense his confusion and handed him a glass of water with a tablet, which he sipped and swallowed gratefully. "Take your time, Ash. It's perfectly normal to feel disoriented."

Ash nodded slowly, appreciating her reassurance. "I... I remember... falling... Falling downstairs. I hit my head," he began, his voice still raspy. "Then voices... But after that... everything's a blur."

Nurse Joy nodded. "Yes, you did have a fall down a flight of stairs. You hit your head hard, so we've been watching you closely," She explained. Ash nodded before his gaze shifted to the room's surroundings, the medical equipment, and the bedside table flowers. "You have some guests that want to see you," Nurse Joy announced, returning Ash's attention to the hospital worker.

"Guests?" Ash questioned.

Nurse Joy nodded, her smile maintaining its reassuring quality. "Yes, some of them have been quite worried about you. I'll call them up. In the meantime, try to rest and regain your strength."

Anticipation for his visitor hung in the air like a thick fog. Ash felt a mix of curiosity and concern as he pondered about who would be coming to see him. His mum was the first answer. His thoughts wandered back to the morning, the distant echoes of the heated argument between him and her. The unresolved tension lingered in the air. Concern crept into his thoughts as he wondered how his mother would react to his 'fall'. But there was also the question of the other guest. Who else could it be? There weren't many people that would be concerned for his state.

As he lay there, lost in thoughts and contemplation, the sudden sound of approaching footsteps and the soft creak of the door opening interrupted his daydreaming. The room seemed to hold its breath as the door revealed the approaching visitors, and Ash's eyes flitted to the entrance as the air thickened with anticipation and worry concern.

Nurse Joy and three new figures entered the room. The first person Ash recognised was Delia, her face full of worry. Her eyes softened as they met Ash's, and her worry was quickly replaced with relief. "Ash, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" She questioned, quickly moving next to his bed.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 08 ⏰

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