Chapter 6

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Information on the release of the next chapter and why this chapter was published a bit late is at the bottom. Please read if interested. Hope you enjoy! And vote if you do!


Serena and Ash. Serena and Ash. Serena and Ash.

O my Gosh. What the hell Brock! You're killing me over here. My heart panicked. Beating as fast as a Rapidish. Cautiously, I look up to see where Serena is sitting. Turns out she was right in front. Beside her was, of course, Calem. No surprise there. But what is surprising is that there was a suspiciously large gap between them. Interesting. Abruptly, Calem then turned and noticed me looking at them. In reply, Calem proceeded to give me a mean glare, swiftly I turn my attention to Brock. Who was being overrun with embarrassed students.

Brock then smoothly told the students, "Look. I know you all may be mad right now. But in a couple of weeks, you will be thanking me for this. So, I expect an invite to your wedding in a couple of years. Or you could name your child after me." The entire class groans with the comment. He then announced, "Ok. Enough whining, go to your partner and start brainstorming ideas." When hearing this all the students start migrating to their partner, introducing themselves and beginning to brainstorm ideas.

Serena then, in my eyes, elegantly turned around and told me, "I'll come to you." My heart now starts beating even faster. Faster than a Rapidash now. I think I may be developing a heart problem very soon. I immediately nod my head in reply. She then stood up to move. Suddenly, Calem's hand latches onto her wrist and abruptly pulls her back down. Serena then angrily warns, "Calem, let go of me right now." Suddenly, the class becomes quiet. Everyone looking over to see the commotion between the hostile couple. Calem then leans in and assertively whispers, "Don't do anything funny with the wimp. You are mine and you know it."

Serena then bellows "Calem! I never wanted to be in this relationship in the first place. I was an idiot for saying yes to you. Even after you cheated on me with Miette, I stayed in this toxic relationship. I should have left you a long time ago. Heck should have never accepted the offer in the first place. We are done. It may not look like it but you ruined my life. My best friend's life. The once unbreakable connection we had was trampled upon. We did every together. Till you destroyed that. You placed a blindfold on me. You changed me. I'm not going to let that happen anymore. Now leave me alone."

"Well, I wasn't the one who abandoned the loser. You did, not me. You left Ash. You left him to rot. Not like he was worth much anyway." Calem shot.

Unable to hold the bubbling lava swirling within her she then fiercely pushed Calem off his chair making him embarrassingly fell hard onto the marble white floor. A groan escaping from his mouth as he hit the ground head first. I see a Dawn, Gary, Barry and Brock try to hold in their laughter. While the rest of the students were astonished by the scene unfolding in front of them. Especially, Paul, Drew and Trip. No one has seen Serena act like that before. She was never considered a violent type. In haste, she stood up, collected her stuff and placed her body next to me. Everyone was now trying to hold in their laughter.

"See. I knew they would break up. I'm a genius" Brock proudly injected while pointing to his powerpoint slide.

Suddenly, Dawn excitedly stood up and pointed at Gary and Barry, "Ha, I told you Serena was going to break up with Calem today. Now, pay up both of you," Dawn announced, making Gary and Barry groan.

Hesitantly, Gary and Barry fished out $10 dollars from their pockets and handed it to Dawn. Gary the retorted, "How did you know!? And how did you predict that Serena would do THAT to him?"

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