Chapter 16

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As the morning sun slowly rose over the quiet pallet town, it's peaceful serenity was shattered by the bellow of a wild animal.

"PIKACHU! What the hell!"

An evil snicker erupted from the electric mouse Pokemon. "Come on, sleepyhead. Its time to train," Pikachu giggled in its native tongue as he stood proudly over his downed friend. Who laid dazed face down on the wooden floor of his room.

Regaining his senses, Ash eventually sat up and shook Pikachu off his back. Sending a mean look at the smiling pokemon in front of him. However, the glare did little to deter the electric Pokemon, whose smirk only grew bigger, much to the raven head's disappointment.  

Being as annoyed as a Snorlax who had just awoken from its slumber, Ash began to bark a reply before he was suddenly cut off by the voice of his mother.

"Ash, is everything alright? Why did you scream 'Pikachu'?" She yelled with a sleepy voice.

The duo in Ash's room turned and looked each other in the eye before a mass panic erupted like a Volcano. Pikachu then glared and slapped the back of Ash's head. Pikachu was signalling the raven head to say something back before they get caught out.

Snapping back into gear, Ash managed to reply, "Uhhhh. Everything's fine, mum. Sorry for waking you. Just a rough awakening after I was having such a great dream." He finishes glaring at his yellow companion, who sent a cheeky smirk in return.  

"This has been happening a lot recently. Are you sure everything is fine?" Delia asked with a concerned tone

Ash let out annoyed mumbles under his breath. Why does she have to act so motherly now? Ash thought. "Yes. I'm a fine mum."

Instead of a reply, the duo began to here footsteps growing ever so louder. Not wanting to become a deer stuck in headlights, Ash snapped to Pikachu and ordered him to hide.

The electric Pokemon instantly obeyed and tried to dive underneath Ash's bed. The only problem, Pikachu -more like fat Pikachu- became wedged between the low hanging bed frame and the ground. Seeing Pikachu's backside hanging out, Ash let out an angry huff and attempted to shove the pokemon under the bed.

"You need to stop stealing my lunch, Pikachu! You've gotten fat!" Ash complained.

"Hey. I can't help it that your mum's cooking is sooooo good. You need to protect your food better." Pikachu strained as he tried to wiggle further in.

Suddenly, a knock at the door froze the two like they were in quicksand. "I'm coming in," Delia announced with the knob of Ash's door begin to turn.

Ash's eyes widen as his heart started to beat out of his chest. Like a pokemon using extreme speed, Ash dashed away from the fat Pikachu and slammed his body against the door, closing the door on his mum. A yelp of shock came from the other side of the door. Banging on the door, Delia called out her son's name, asking if everything was fine.

Letting out laboured breaths, Ash managed to reply. "Yep. Totally fine over here. Don't worry."

"Then why won't you let me in?" Her muffled voice quizzed.

Racking his brain, Ash tried to think of any kind of excuse to make his mum get off his back. "Er. Ummmm. I'm naked right now. Yeah." Ash immediately slapped himself right after. That's the best he could think of?

Delia chuckled at her son. "O, Ash. You say that like I haven't seen you naked before. I'm your mum. I've seen what's underneath plenty of times."

A vivid blush soon spread across the raven heads cheeks as he let out a groan of displeasure. He then heard a chuckle erupt from Pikachu, who tried his hardest to escape from being jammed between the bed and the ground.

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