Chapter 12

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The raven head teenager let out a quiet sigh as his fingers rapidly tapped the school desk in front of him. His other arm lazily supported his drooping head as he used the wall on his right to support his drowsy body. Listening to the ramblings of Brock and his horrible love tales, who was sidetracked from teaching about evolution in animals.

Finishing his latest story on his dreadful search for love, Brock barked, "Ok class. Pair up with the partner I selected yesterday." Hearing this, a couple of students sent deadly glares at their teacher, still annoyed with his little stunt yesterday. The glares made Brock sink into his chair, intimidated by his students. However, he quickly recovered and ordered, "I said to pair up with your partner. Or else you will all get detention."

Immediately, the class pulsed into life with everyone dashing to their chosen partner. Ash quickly moved one row back to the spare seat next to Serena. Which would usually be occupied by Calem. But fortunately, he wasn't in class today. Busy with the suspension Brock had given him the day before. Letting Ash breath easy as he sat down next to Serena. The two greeted each other and quickly settled.

When the class settled, Brock explained, "From now on, these classes will be used to work on the project. But you will need to work outside of school as well. Remember, this task was created to relieve some of the stress school life can bring. And it will be graded on how you present your information. So be creative and think outside the box. Do the project on something you both enjoy. The draft is due this Friday.  If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask."

As soon as Brock finished, the class erupted with excited chatter, like lava spewing out of a volcano. Serena then turned to her raven-haired partner, asking, "So, about this project, I've been thinking..." As she continued to blabber on about their project, Ash couldn't help but let his mind wander into the millions of thoughts in his hand. Occasionally, he hummed and noded to seem like he was paying attention to what Serena was saying. But in reality, he didn't register a single word uttered from her mouth.

Many questions about last night circled in his disordered mind. But very few of them had answers. Was it just the common cold? But a common cold doesn't change how a person acts. Did Giovanni do something? It would be an understatement to say Giovanni hated Ash. But why would he do anything to Delia? To get back at him?

When the raven head went to check on her the following morning, Delia seemed to have mostly recovered from her illness. Her skin was still clearly pale but when compared to last night, it was a huge improvement. She even apologized for her actions last night when Ash brought up soup and medicine for her. Explaining that she didn't know what came over her. But that explanation only fulled Ash's desire to answer the question,

What happened to her?

She rarely yelled at her son. She only raised her voice a couple of times. But that was when he was being a nuisance around the house.

"So what do you think?" Serena asked, as his chocolate brown eyes turned to meet her bright blue eyes. Snapping that boy out of his thoughts.

"Errrrr. yeah sure. I like it" Ash answered smoothly, shooting a confident grin to Serena. On the outside, he seemed as cool as an Abomasnow using blizzard. But inside, he was as shaky as a rocking chair.

Her cerulean blue eyes glistened with joy as she gleefully exclaimed, "Great I'll see you at the school gates after school." Ash's eyes widen with confusion and his mouth grew slightly agape. Did he just accept some sort of date with Serena? Ash mentally screamed.

With Serena being one of the most popular girls in the school, and Ash the outcast of the school, they were both pushed to being on the opposites sides of the school's social ladder. Why would she ask him on a date? Not only would it bring Serena down the social ladder, but Ash would also be fed to the ravenous Sharks named Calem and other boys jousting for the beautiful hand of Serena Yvonne.

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