Chapter 3

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Carpe Diem, Seize the day Ash. Because, believe it or not, every one of us will one day stop breathing, turn cold and die. And guess what. Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.

Beep Beep Beep. (Ash POV)

A loud smack echoed around my room as I violently slapped on the annoying alarm on my phone.

As the light rays begin to penetrate my adjusting pupils, I let out a loud groan. Stupid alarm, I think to my self. Lifting myself off the pillow, I look out my window and all I see blue skies staring right back me with no clouds... Never mind, I see one right now. There was also a powerful breeze blowing the long green grass outside my house as I hear crows croaking in the distance. Hopefully, my day is going to be as beautiful as this scenery.

Never mind it's a Monday, I have school. It's going to be a horrible day. Reluctantly, I limbered onto my feet and into the bathroom to clean my teeth. As I walk, I notice my hideous face. Bandages wrapped around my nose and fading bruises around my face. However, this look was still a whole lot better then what it was yesterday.

Swiftly I clean my teeth and remove the bandages covering my face, revealing the scabs forming below the dressing. When walking back into my room, I put on a black t-shirt with a blue short-sleeved jacket over the top. And to go with the head, light blue jeans. Just as I finished getting dressed, I hear a yell, "Ash! Come down. Breakfast is ready."

With glee, I scramble out of the bathroom and dash down the steps, almost tripping down them. In a flash, I am in the kitchen and bellow, "Good morning, mum!" I see her jump in shock and drop the spatula in her hand.

"Ash! You scared me. I thought you were still in bed. You are never that quick in the morning," Emitted a startled Delia.

I chuckled and state, "You should know me, mum. As longs as I smell and hear food cooking, I will be there in a flash."

In reply, Delia shook her head at my childish behaviour. "Anyways, your bacon and egg are on the dining table. Quickly eat it while it's piping hot like a Pikachu's flamethrower," She announced.

I facepalm at her statement and groan, "Mum. Pikachu can't use flamethrower."

Delia then let out a loud laugh and exclaims " What do you mean? That orange dragon isn't Pikachu?" Making me let out an angry groan as she laughed at my actions. Now she is just messing with me! "I'll be in the living room watching the news. You can bring your food there if you want," While walking towards the living room.

After recovering from my mum idiocy, I grab the bacon and eggs and went straight into the living room. Sitting down next to my mum, who was on the catch watching TV. While I indulged the delicious bacon and eggs, my mum then exclaimed: "Ash, look at the news." I then look up and see a knight in a blue cloak with the news bulletin saying, "Today marks 500 years since Sir Aaron saved the kingdom of Rota from an unknown threat. To this day, no one knows what these threats were. His slogan 'never give up', and by setting the example, he inspired the kingdom to rally and pushback these supposed mythical creatures. It is because of this the kingdom of Rota is still alive and powerful."

"Sir Aaron? He has the same slogan as Dad. And he also has an obsession with black hair and the colour blue," I pointed out. "Perhaps one of my ancestors, eh."

My mum chuckled and stated "You never know Ash. Anything could happen-." Suddenly the rush of a bang came rolling into the living room. When we both looked towards the sound generator, we saw Giovanni at the front door, violently holding the poor door open. I see a vast bandaged wrapped around his nose. I got good. And it looks like he didn't get his much-needed sleep. He then erratically walked out and slammed the door behind him. It was like thunder striking right outside our house. We then hear his footsteps on the gravel pathway and soon after, the revving of an engine echoed around the neighbourhood but soon, the noise faded into silence. "I think it's time for you to go as well. Don't want to be late for the bus," Mum blurts.

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