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At eight o clock I heard the rapping of knuckles on my door. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. The noise woke me up startling me so much I fell off the couch and onto the floor with a loud thud. The air was sucked out of me as my stomach broke my fall.

The knocking continued.

Was it that guy? What was his name again? Did I ask? Was I listening? I tried to think about the book he brought to check in. His name came up on the screen but I couldn't think what name it was. Something simple like Brian or James... Maybe it was Chris or John?

I looked around the dark trying to find my phone. I patted the table shifting my hand trying to find an object in seclusion. The glare of the screen said 8:03. He really came? Oh gosh he really came!

I pulled my shirt down as I stood up wiping drool from my cheek. I ran to the door putting my hand on the knob and then promptly stopped myself.

He showed up. This guy from the library asked me on a date and he showed up. He probably showered and smelled good. His hair was probably neat and clean. I still had on my work clothes and my mouth had formed some funny taste like something died and was rotting. I hadn't checked the mirror but I was sure my hair was probably sticking up off to the side. I couldn't see him like this. I couldn't see the janitor that cleans the toilets at the library like this.

I stood and waited for him to leave trying to breath as quietly as I could. He knocked one more time and then I heard some shuffling and finally a car door slam. I waited a bit longer until the car started and drove off. Satisfied I walked into my room and flopped on my bed, Kuma wagging her tail followed behind me licking my face as I stared at the ceiling.

What am I doing with my life? My grandmother passed away last year and left me with enough money to get out of debt and buy the beach house. I thought about starting my own business, maybe go into publishing but the thought of having to interact with people made me want to puke.

The familiar throbbing of a migraine made its way to the back of my eyes. I pinched the bridge of my nose and rolled out of bed. Dragging my feet I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. It's Friday night, I'm single, and only a quarter of a century old. One score and five years. A shower would reset my spirits and I could do something with my evening.

After my shower and wrestling with my hair I found a black sweater and a lived in pair of jeans. I slipped on my flats and put a leash on Kuma. We walked up and down the beach watching the stars away from humanity. It was nice to let my thoughts roam free with the breeze.

A few people had clustered here and there starting bonfires and laughing. Some guys were throwing a frisbee around and wore glowing necklaces to identify teammates. I found a spot closer to my home and sat in the sand kicking off my shoes and digging my toes deep into the cold beach.

Kuma whined impatiently until I took her leash off and let her splash around in the ocean. I leaned into my knees hugging them close to my chest and watched her trying to eat the waves as they crashed up against her. I rested my head on a knee and took in the cool breeze.

I felt the warmth of a body sitting next to me and turned in confusion. There sat a tall man in a grey t shirt and khakis. He smiled at me with ocean blue eyes and short blonde hair.

"Enjoy the evening?"

I was. No I couldn't open with that. "Yes."

"I'm Kyle, I live down the street. Just moved in. And you are?"

Leaving. No I can't open with that either. Kuma ran towards us at full force excited another being was nearby and might play with her. "Kuma no!" I screamed but it was too late, she shook her body at full force drenching us in salt water. "I am so sorry!" I apologized my face burning red.

Kyle laughed, "It's okay. I grew up with dogs. I get it."

"Um, I should get going" I said as I stood up and put Kuma's leash back on her, "It was nice meeting you though."

"You as well."

I turned and began to jog away. I heard Kyle yell in the distance, "You never told me your name!"

I smiled.

Authors note:
Hey readers! Tell me what you think! What do you like and not like? And please vote so I know I should continue!! Thank you all so much!

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