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They put me on the sixth floor. The psych ward. I had to stay for another 48 hours as I finished my 72 hour suicide watch. I rolled my eyes at the thought of myself being suicidal. I guess the way I acted didn't really give much to the imagination though.

I spent the next twenty-four hours walking around the ward trying to keep my distance from the other patients. I found a seat by the window. There were bars keeping us from getting any ideas of jumping out. I closed my eyes relaxing on the cool concrete of the wall letting what little of the sun I could bathe me in its light.

"You're new." I opened my eyes to see a short girl with hair down to her waist standing in front of me. Her wrists had bandages on them and another covering her throat. She had on the white scrubs they gave us to change into.

"Are you real or a figment of my imagination?" I asked causally closing my eyes again. Maybe if I freaked her out she'd leave me alone.

"Sorry, I'm real." I could hear her nestling in on the other side of the sill. "What're you in for?"

"No pleasantries? Aren't you going to ask me for my name?" I asked my eyes still closed.

"Why? Not like we're going to become best friends."

I thought about it finally opening my eyes to look at her. She had dark brown hair with the slightest of curl to it. Her nose was splashed with freckles and her skin was a dark tan. It was her eyes though that got me. Big and brown and heavy with burden and regret.

"I have a brain tumor." I said finally, "They think I tried to commit suicide because I flushed all my pills down the toilet."

"Flushed them?" She furrowed her brow in confusion, "If you were trying to die, wouldn't you take all of them at once?"

I smiled, "You're pretty smart."

"I have my moments." She smirked.

I laughed, "Okay your turn, what're you in for?"

"Why'd you flush them?" She asked me.

"It's a long story." I shook my head.

"Give me the Reader's Digest version."

I took a deep breath and let it out, "I'm in love with my hallucination."

She laughed. Side gripping laughter spilling from her body. I looked at her as she almost fell of the sill. I smiled and then I began laughing myself. I really was crazy.

"That's incredible." She said wiping her eyes that had become damp with tears.

"I guess when I say it out loud it does sound pretty crazy." I leaned my head back against the wall. It felt good to laugh like that.

"Ya think?" She questioned raising an eyebrow to me smiling.

"You never answered my question. Why're you here?" I asked again.

Her smile vanished, "It doesn't matter." She shook her head. She turned to the door and smiled again. I looked to see what she was looking at, "Who's that hunk?" She asked.

It was Eli standing with a brown paper bag in one hand with his other in his jean pocket. His green t-shirt stuck out in the sea of white. I smiled standing up.

"He's not a hallucination." I said walking over to him.

Once he spotted me he smiled walking towards me meeting me in the middle of the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning into him taking his fresh scent. He kissed me lightly on the lips and pulled back. We both were smiling big stupid grins at each other.

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