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I awoke with a start and sat up, quickly regretting how fast I got out of bed. I placed my hand on the wall to steady myself until the dizzying effect I had went away. My headache from the previous night still pursued so I went downstairs to get a glass of water.

Taking large gulps Kuma waddled into the kitchen looking expectantly at me. I made sure to put some extra cold water in her bowl as it was suppose to be very hot today. I set aside a water bottle for myself in the fridge to make sure I stayed hydrated. My headache was probably from not drinking enough water.

I heard a knock at the door and cautiously walked over to it. I had been getting quite a few visitors this weekend and I really wanted to spend time alone.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Your friendly neighbor!"

Kyle. I sighed and opened the door. There he stood with all his beauty looming over me. He smiled with one hand in his pocket and the other causally sitting by his side.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." I just stood there in my pajamas looking at him. He had on a black hoodie zipped up half way with a light blue t shirt underneath. He wore a pair of basketball shorts and sneakers. He looked like he was on his way to the gym. I looked down at my grey t shirt and blue shorts with white polka dots.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked.

No. I can't lead with that... How could I politely say no? I could tell him I was about to go out... In my pajamas... Somewhere he can't go with me...

Kuma sauntered over, her tongue hanging out and sat in front of Kyle waiting for him to give her attention.

"Your dog wants to hang out with me. Why don't you?" He asked again.

Because I hate people. Because I enjoy being alone. Because you're very attractive and you're making me struggle. Because I'm weird and you probably aren't.

I sighed heavily making it obvious what I was about to say wasn't what I wanted to say, "Come on in." I took a step to the side and Kyle walked in without a seconds thought. He probably wanted to make sure I didn't change my mind and close the door on him.

He made himself at home on my couch and started flipping trough books. I walked over and sat on the arm rest on the opposite side.

"You read a lot." It wasn't a question, it was a fact, a statement.

"Yes I do."

"Okay Ace, don't open up too much I don't know if I can handle all this talking" he smiled while looking at me out of the corner of his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I work at a library." I offered as if that would explain my entire life.

"Oh, the one downtown?"


"Do you like it?"


"Is it what you went to school for?"


"Did you go to college?"


"How many questions do I have left?"


"You like me, Ace. I can see it. You're cold shoulder doesn't fool me." He laughed. I rolled my eyes again.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. I might as well contribute to this apparent conversation.

"Are you offering to cook for me?" He turned to look at me fully putting the book he was holding back down on the coffee table.

"I have water."

"That sounds delicious." He nodded very seriously, "I'm not very hungry though. But thank you for asking."

I slumped into the couch letting it inhale me into its abyss. Kyle went back to picking books up and setting them down. After a while he took a good look at the room and then looking at me puzzled.

"These are in Dewey decimal order." No one had ever picked up on my odd system. It really just looks like I carelessly stacked books in corners all over the place.

I smiled real big, "Yes."

Kyle laughed, "Wow, that's incredible."

I smiled again, wider this time as pride overtook my body. Kuma whined and put her head in my lap. I scrunched her face close to mine scratching behind her ears. She licked my face and then barked at me.

"Okay, okay." I said getting up. I walked over to the counter and grabbed her leash and then my water bottle out of the fridge. "I have to walk her." I put on her leash and thought for a second as Kyle stood up. "You uh... You could come with us I guess." He raised his eyebrow at me, "I mean if you want to."

"Are you hitting on me, Ace?"

"No! I'm just asking! Sheesh, can't a girl be nice?"

"I would love to." Kyle opened the door and I mentally kicked myself for even inviting him. My face burned red with anger I rushed Kuma outside so we could finish our walk and maybe Kyle would go home.

It was hot. Really really hot. The sun was pounding on my head and I finished my water quicker than I meant to. My vision blurred every now and again as my headache worsened.

"It's like a heat wave." I said. I looked at Kyle who seemed to be fine. He walked with his hands in his pocket. Very much casual. Very much no chance of him holding my hand. Not that I wanted him too.

"I like it." He looked up and closed his eyes as the sun beamed on him.

We walked a little further until Kuma decided she too was tired and laid down on the sidewalk.

"Time to turn around." I announced. I tugged at Kuma and tried to get her to walk back. I promise she glared at me as she meandered her way in the direction to go home.

"What did you go to college for?" Kyle asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Well it wasn't for library-science so what was it for?"

"Oh, uh, journalism."

"You want to be a writer?"


"What would you write about?"

"I don't know."

"Okay" he chuckled.

"Okay." I mimicked.

Once we got back to my house my headache was pretty much gone. I felt a lot better. Maybe all I needed was some exercise after all.

"I have to get going." Kyle said, "I'll see you around."

He gave me a quick hug and kissed the top of my head. I watched him turn to leave and then he was gone. I sat down on the steps to my house and Kuma laid down next to me.

"And then there were two." I said.

Kuma blinked at me and then rested her head in my lap.

Authors note:
Hey readers! Tell me what you think! What do you like and not like? And please vote so I know I should continue!! Thank you all so much!

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