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"What are you doing here?" I smiled at Kyle standing in the doorway, his hands stuffed in his pockets of his black hoodie.

"I missed you, Ace" he wears a big grin shrugging his shoulders.

Kuma began to whine as she nudged me out the door, "Let's go then." I say walking past him.

My thoughts began to race through my mind about how my weekend had been going and it was only Saturday. I tried to pick one thing to concentrate on but moments would flicker in and out and it was hard to hold on to one memory for any length of time. The throbbing pains of my migraines worsened when I strained to focus on one topic for too long.

"Penny for your thoughts." Kyle offered smiling.

"Inflation has increased. My thoughts are worth at least a nickel."

"Yes but 'Nickel for your thoughts' doesn't sound nearly as good." He chuckled.

I looked at him out of the corner my eye as he continued to walk smiling looking up at the sky. I smiled with ease and comfortableness that I hadn't felt with anyone else before. I didn't feel anxious around Kyle. He made me feel as though we had been long friends from many years and lifetimes earlier.

"Do you mind if we just go to the beach?" I asked not really wanting to walk any further.

"The beach is my home." He winked.

I unhooked Kuma from her leash and let her roam around in the ocean as I lied down on the warm sand before night cooled it down. Kyle lied down next to me, our heads next to each other. Stars began to decorate the evening sky and I placed my hands behind my head squirming in the beach to get comfortable.

"What's your mission statement?" Kyle asked.

I knit my brows together in confusion, "My what?"

"Your mission statement." He clarified matter-of-factly. "What do you aspire to become? If you died and someone close to you had to give your testimony, what would they say about you?"

"I never thought about it" I said looking up into the sky, "I guess I'd like them to say that I had lived. That I was fearless all the way to the end. That I had loved and been loved. I suppose that's what everyone wants though." I shrugged. " what about you?" I asked turning my head to face him, "What is your 'mission statement'?"

Kyle smiled staring at the night sky, "I want to be someone to open people's eyes. I want to be a light for truth and I want to be a witness for greatness. I want to travel the world someday."

I smiled at the thought of seeing the world, "There are many layers to you."

Kyle laughed, "What would you write about?" He asked turning his head to face me.

I stared at him, really taking him in. I looked at his eyes that were kind and gentle. I saw the wind comb through his hair softly. His lips innocent and full of words waiting to be spoken. He had strong arms that seemed so attentive and caring. His face always thoughtful and considerate. I felt at peace with Kyle. I felt like I belonged, I didn't have to try to be anyone, I could just relax and be myself. I felt rested with him.

"I want to write something that evokes so much emotion that the reader can't help but turn the page until there aren't anymore pages to turn."

Kyle gave a small smile as he took a second to respond, "I would read that."

We stayed talking for a large portion of the evening. I felt like I could talk about anything with him and have no fear of judgment. He made me laugh at his jokes and he thought with great insight. It was like having a real life character from one of my books come to life. He was filled with such intense wisdom and joy.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Kyle asked.

I blushed at the thought of hanging out with Eli. "I'm hanging out with a friend."

Kyle looked at me confused, "Are you seeing someone?" He asked point blank.

"Why would you ask me that?"

Kyle sat up in the sand, "Why won't you answer the question?"

I sat up and turned to him, "I don't understand why you're so upset. We aren't together. I can hang out with whomever I so please just like you can."

"I like you Ace. I don't want to be with anyone else. I've been putting everything into you."


He stood up dusting the sand off of him,"No it's fine. I just thought... I don't know, that you liked me too."

"Kyle wait," I stood brushing sand off my dress.

Kyle began to walk away, "I actually have to go home." He mumbled walking away.

"Kyle!" I stood there with my arms raised. He walked down to the end of the beach and I watched him leave. I dropped my arms letting them slap my thighs in frustration. I latched Kuma back on her leash and walked home.

When I lied down in my bed I thought about Kyle and Eli. Both very different but both brought out the same feelings. My eyes grew heavy and my last thought flickered through:

At least my migraine was gone.

Authors note:
Hey readers! Tell me what you think! What do you like and not like? Are you Team Eli or Team Kyle? And please vote so I know I should continue!! Thank you all so much!

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