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I rolled out of bed with half my hair plastered to my cheek. I slumped to the bathroom and stood in the shower as hot water rolled down my body. I felt so heavy and tired.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping my towel firmly around me. The mirror had fogged up so I wiped the moisture away with my forearm. Brushing my hair to one side I looked at myself and sighed.

Kyle flooded my mind. I wasn't sure why he seemed so peeved. I frowned as I thought about his last words to me. There was just so much hurt weighing the words down in the air. I bit the side of my cheek as I combed through my knots. The way Kyle looked at me with sadness in his eyes haunted me.

I shook my head, essentially shaking all thoughts of Kyle away as I focused on my morning with Eli. I stared at my closet trying to figure out what I should wear, pants or a dress? We planned on a picnic in the park for brunch. Some activity but not too much. I hunched my shoulders defeated and grabbed a pair of blue shorts and a loose white shirt.

Kuma came into my room panting from the heat. I ruffled her head smiling. She began to lick my hand and I rolled my eyes at her. Going downstairs Kuma followed close behind going straight to her empty dog bowel. I laughed at her and she just barked at me.

I heard a knock at the door and excitement electrocuted me as I skipped over to answer. I swung the door open quickly and my heart fell. I smiled at Eli quickly recovering and let him in. I'm not sure why but just the smallest part of me was hoping Kyle had decided to come over.

"Are you ready?" He asked moving a dark curl out of his face. He wore a faded red t shirt and dark blue shorts. I looked at his feet in brown boat shoes and smiled.

"Let me just feed her and then we can go!" I hurried over to the counter and gave Kuma a few scoops of dog food and then stopped to think about how she had been pretty good recently. I grabbed the peanut butter jar and scooped out a large chunk slathering it on top of her food.

I felt Eli wrapping his arms around my waist behind me. I turned to look at him and he smiled kissing the side of my head. "You're not making this easy for me." I laughed still putting peanut butter on the dog food.

"You're like a gourmet chef."

I laughed and put the peanut butter on the counter turning my body to face Eli. I leaned back placing my hands around the back of his neck playing with the ends of his curls. I tilted my head to the side giving a small smile as I looked into his dark brown eyes.

"What?" He asked. I could see the slightest blush form.

I shook my head, "Nothing." I loosened my grip and slipped out of his arms walking to the fridge. I grabbed the Orange juice I bought yesterday and grabbed a few glasses from the cupboard. "You have everything you need?" I asked rummaging for a tote to put the oj in.

"Yes I do." He whispered into my ear kissing it afterwards. I laughed at his forward flirtation.

Finding a yellow tote with a bright blue whale on it I stuffed everything inside while Eli continued to make my job as difficult as possible. I kept laughing at him as he would coo over me, how gentle I am placing orange juice inside the tote, how thoughtful I am grabbing two cups. Finally he twirled me around and again I was staring at how perfect he was. He lifted me up and placed me on the counter.

"You're ridiculous." I laughed throwing my head back.

"You're amazing" the sun glittered in through the window and I took in the scene of the two of us. I was so happy in that moment. Eli was head over heels for me and I felt so much joy being around him.

"We're going to be late." I raised an eyebrow attempting to be serious.

"It's our picnic, we can get there whenever we want." He wore a smile that meant trouble specifically for me.

I rolled my eyes at him which he must have taken as a challenge ready to accept. He swooped me up in his arms and threw me over his shoulder grabbing the tote as an after thought.

"Eli!" I screamed, "Put me down!" I began to kick my legs laughing.

"No, no, we'll be late for our picnic!" He said opening the door, "Say goodbye to Kuma dear."

"Bye Kuma!" I waved frantically as Eli closed the door and brought me to his car. He opened the car door sitting me down gently. I placed my hands on either side of his face pulling him in for one more kiss, "Why thank you." I beamed.

"Anything for you." He gave me one more peck and then closed the door putting the tote in the backseat before running to his side and pulling out of the driveway.

The sun shone brightly in my eyes as Eli spread out a blanket underneath a tree. I cupped my hand to shield them from the golden Rays as he set out putting the picnic basket in one corner. I sat down putting my whale tote next to the basket smiling like a fool.

"So, what do you think?" He asked handing me a plate with a bagel stuffed with turkey bacon and eggs.

"Best brunch ever. " I laughed taking a bite.

I curled up next to Eli who put his arm around my shoulder and we sat eating and laughing. Eli told me about growing up with his grandfather who would bring a new book each time and they would sit and read together for hours. I told him how my grandmother encouraged me to follow my passion for books. We talked about far away lands and universes we had visited sometime we had been to the same place or same Galaxy.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, I could walk." I said smiling.

Eli stood up holding out his hand for me. I gladly accepted as he helped me to me feet. My vision began to blur and I wobbled around for a second holding my head.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"I must have stood up too fast." I smiled weakly. My head began to throb and I kept my eyes closed tightly taking in deep breaths.

"You've said that before. Are you feeling okay?" Eli asked again.

"Maybe I should go home and lie down." I didn't really want to leave Eli but at the same time I suddenly wasn't feeling very well. I had spent the majority of my weekend outside in the sun, most likely I was just dehydrated.

Eli packed up the picnic and drove me home. The coolness of the house hit my face with instant relief. I lied down on the couch and Eli went over to the fridge grabbing me a glass of water and some ibuprofen. He kissed the top of my head gently, lifting my head up as he sat on the couch setting my head comfortable in his lap.

"How are you feeling?" He asked stroking the hair from my face.

"I'm just tired." I mumbled washing down the ibuprofen and sitting the empty glass on the table.

"What can I do for you?" I felt his hands carefully combing through my hair.

"Read me something beautiful." I whispered as my eyes slowly closed.

Eli picked up the book closest to him which happened to be The Snake Pit by: May Jane Ward. I fell asleep listening to his voice carry me off into the great unknown.

Author's note:
Hey readers! Thanks so much for continuing to read my story! Don't forget to vote and comment!! I'm kind of figuring out the story right along with you haha so any feedback is the best feedback! Love you all :)

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