Chapter 8 - Hospital

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Lils POV

I woke up to a really annoying beeping noise.

"Well there is a very small chance that she will wake up but she seems alright"

Say what?

I just lied there without moving because if I do no one will tell me anything.

"Well can you tell me what was wrong with her?"I heard a strange voice say

"Her intestines and bowels were too clogged and exploded."another strange voice said

Alright this was far enough. I kind of stirred a little bit but not much

"Oh my gosh bebe please wake up I will never ever leave your side if you do" that voice I recognized as ambers

I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't. I felt like I was just floating in a blue haze. It was awful.

"Please please lil just show some sign that your alive I need to know you'll be alright."Amber cried next to me

"I am" I tried to say but I couldn't move. I tried moving my arms or legs but I just couldn't.

"I've told you this every day since you have been in the hospital and I hope you will be able to hear me some day. Its june 27th. It has been 2 1/2 weeks since you fell into a coma. Our parents are in prison for child abuse and I am in foster care and so will you be if our ever wake up. I just need to hear your voice one more time or I won't be able to live with myself."

I felt something warm down my face

I was doing it I was actually able to cry.

"Doctor someone she's crying!!"

I heard feet rushing in.

"At this rate she will probably be awake soon"

Oops short again
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Favorite:probably science
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