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Pulling up to the address Francesca had told her last week Kiana looked up in shock. Her jaw dropped.

She knew Francesca was rich but this was a whole new level. How was she still in London?

Stairs descended from the large black front door with two security guards stood in front of the modern home.

There was a gate before the driveway, where another security guard was posted. The funny thing was as soon as she stopped outside of the gate, she was about to talk to the guard to ask if she got the right house, when he opened the gates for her immediately after he took one look at her. It was as if he knew who she was already and that she was coming today.

Finally parking her black Audi outside of the house which made her feel extremely out of place, she grabbed her phone.

Kiana began to search through her contacts to call Francesca to ask if she was at the right address and didn't accidentally stumble onto someone else's private estate, when the call failed.

Odd, she thought.

It was as if the number was no longer in use, disconnected.

As she was about to try again, one of the security guards had knocked on her window.

Kiana jumped at the sudden figure present at her window, she hadn't even noticed he left his post. "Miss Kiana, Francesca is expecting you" he spoke in a deep voice.

She didn't know what was going on but she wordlessly followed the man out of her car and inside of the house.

If he didn't say Francesca's name then she definitely would of driven off.

Big wasn't even the word to describe the house.

She twirled round in awe, mouth agape at her surroundings.

Black interior covered the house, whether it was shiny or matte, it was black. This was basically Kiana's dream house.

Not a single thing out of place. It was only a foyer but it was better than her entire house that she shared with Tom and Cassie.

That was partially because of her and Cassie having to deal with Tom's absurd decorative decisions that he'd come home with, which the girls would always threaten to throw out but then he'd say he wouldn't have sex with Cassie if they did, which would make Cassie cave and Kiana would have to deal with it.

In all seriousness, Kiana could just move out and live by herself if she really wanted to, she could afford it, especially with the amount of patients she helped, but she couldn't do that. She knew sharing a house with Cassie and Tom was good for her. It meant that she always had someone there. That she was okay. That she always had someone to talk to, because if she did move out, she knew she'd isolate herself from the world and just focus on work, which would get too much for her and she'd just crack.

"Kiana you made it!" Francesca beamed, smiling at the girl in shock at her house.

Francesca pulled her in for a hug as she was practically a daughter to her, she didn't care for only meeting her once she knew she had to protect her. Kiana was too nice to be bothered by Clive Morgan personally and Francesca knew that. Even if she now had to attend every event just to ensure Clive didn't come near Kiana, she would even though she hated those parties and events.

"Come on let's go to the kitchen and start cooking, it's a hot summers day, we can't stand here all day" Francesca laughed, pulling the girl away from the hallway which she had yet to take her eyes off of as she was still in amazement.

As Kiana finally snapped back into reality she begun to wrap an apron around her waist.

She was excited to spend time with Francesca.

Maybe yes she was using this time with Francesca as a replacement for the time her own mother didn't make her as a child, but who was it really harming. Francesca was a sweet woman, who was more than happy to take Kiana under her wing and Kiana was glad that she did.

Francesca had told her they were making spaghetti Bolognese and Kiana had laughed informing her that she already knew how to make spaghetti Bolognese, when Francesca tutted and said she didn't know the Italian way which was significantly better.

Kiana wasn't one to question her as she watched her bring out the ingredients to make the pasta from scratch.

She definitely needed to remember this recipe to show Cassie and Tom that they were now the only two who couldn't cook and now she could.

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