Thirty two

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Kiana thought Luca was joking when he said he'd carry her out but he was very much serious.

"Luca put me down!" Kiana warned as she noticed him walking them towards the lift, after he had thrown her over his shoulder when she simply laughed at the fact that he said he'd carry her

"I can't do that" he laughed, sending a smack to her ass

"Luca I'm not wearing any underwear and your cum is still inside of me, I do not need you embarrassing me infront of my colleagues and patients, put me down right now!" Kiana shouted as she felt the lift going down to reception

"Fine, but we're still leaving" he said as he placed her back on her feet, noticing her quickly crossing her legs together

Snapping her fingers infront of his face, Kiana tried to get Luca's attention away from the possible very embarrassing moment that could happen, just as it did in his mother's bathroom that one time.

"Ovviamente il mio cuore sceglierebbe una donna inglese testarda da amare quando sto cercando di tenerla fuori dai guai" Luca sighed turning towards the lift doors, waiting for them to open so he could get the both of them out of there and into T's car

(Of course my heart would choose a stubborn English woman to love when I'm trying to keep her out of harm's way)

"Stop that"

"Stop what?" Luca cocked up a brow, turning to look at Kiana

"Stop speaking Italian when you know I don't understand it"

"You want me to teach you?"

"I-" Kiana was lost for words, she wasn't expecting him to say that, maybe for him to say 'fine I won't anymore' or 'I can speak Italian all I want' but now he was making promises, promises for the future and that scared her

It scared her knowing that the man she was involved with was more dangerous than she anticipated and she knew deep down she couldn't stay away even if she wanted to. She also knew their future was limited and anything could happen to either of them with Luca's profession.

"Come on" Luca guided Kiana out of the lift swiftly, with his hand on the small of her back, making it seem like they were any ordinary couple walking out of couple's therapy

"Dr Davidson?" Sophie called out walking back in from her lunch break, surprised to see her boss and one of her patients looking so friendly

"Sophie, I-" Kiana smiled, trying to think of a quick excuse for her being here, in reception with Luca, looking so -.

"Sophie, yes?" Luca interrupted, "Dr. Davidson is actually helping me out with some family problems and she said the best idea would be for her to meet them and they're busy people so we've decided to go to them, she was going to tell you to cancel all her appointments for the rest of the day, but you were at lunch" Luca explained as Kiana watched him

"Oh!" Sophie gasped, "I'm so sorry for interrupting, I'll call all of them now Dr. Davidson" She smiled, rushing over to her desk, as Luca took that as his opportunity to get Kiana out of the building as fast as he could because he didn't need to run into anymore people she knew

"You're good at that" Kiana finally spoke as they entered the car park

"At what Tesoro?" Luca smiled down at his phone, tracking T's car

"Lying, you did it so effortlessly" she pointed out, "For all I know you could of lied to me in all these sessions and I could of fallen for it, all your lies"

Luca's smiled dropped as he heard Kiana mutter those words, he turned to her firmly wrapping his hand around her throat, to show her that her eyes should be on him when he said this.

"Yes, I admit I can lie easily, but believe me when I say I cannot lie to're my weakness, use that information how you please but don't ever doubt my feelings for you" He spoke, his lips forming a straight line at the thought of Kiana doubting his feelings

"Okay" Kiana whimpered, feeling the very slight pressure of Luca's fingers wrapped around her throat, making it harder for her not to let the liquid roll down her leg

"Luca can you please stop that because I can't hold it in anymore" she whispered, biting her lip at the pressure

"Hold what?" He asked, confused

"Your fucking cum" she reiterated, trying to get him to understand that he didn't even give her a chance to go to the toilet to clean herself up and now he had whisked her away to get into Trevor's car to go god knows where

"I swear if I just heard that correctly I will not be happy" T grimaced, as he pulled his car up infront of the couple in an intense staring match

"Shut up Trevor" Kiana muttered, opening the door to the backseat, causing Luca to huff in frustration of her not allowing him to open her door for her

"Come on Luca, we don't have time" T urged, revving his engine

"Alright, alright" Luca mumbled, getting into the backseat, sitting beside Kiana, which earned him a frown from Trevor and a warning look from her as she continued to cross her legs

Taking something out his breast pocket of his suit, Kiana's breath hitched as she felt Luca trail his hand along her thigh, grasping it in a tight hold

She shot him another warning look.

She didn't need him doing something stupid infront of her brother again.

Smirking at the look which did nothing to stop him, Luca pulled Kiana's legs out of their crossed position and opened them wide, as he placed his hand in the middle of them.

Kiana's skirt rode up as she watched Luca's hand disappear underneath it, her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She needed him to stop, but he wasn't taking any notice of her warning looks. She couldn't even say anything or else Trevor would look back and it would be a very embarrassing moment.

Letting out a deep breath to try and compose herself, she heard Luca let out a deep chuckle.

"T what location are we going to?" He asked calmly as if his hand wasn't inbetween Kiana's thighs, edging closer to her core, whilst her brother drove them in his car

"Your mother's" T shouted to them over the sound of the car zooming through traffic

Kiana felt something odd against her core, causing her to gasp.

"It's just a tissue Tesoro, I thought you wanted to get cleaned up?" Luca smirked against her ear

"You could of just given me the tissue" Kiana gritted out, feeling him take his time to clean her up, even taking the extra measure to place one of her legs ontop of his, so he'd have better access to her folds.

"Oh but you like me touching you like this don't you?"

"My brother is literally in the car" she whispered

"That didn't answer my question" Luca raised his brows

"ETA two minutes" Trevor shouted, driving through the hidden turns of Francesca's house that Kiana almost got lost in when she first came to the house because Google maps said it didn't exist

Kiana grabbed ahold of Luca's wrist, stopping him from moving any further, "Don't test my patience, or I will get Trevor to drive me home" She warned

Luca decided to stop messing with her and withdrew his hand from under her skirt, watching her snap her legs shut instantly, taking the tissue from his hand and look as normal as she could, just as Trevor pulled up outside of his mother's home.

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