Twenty nine

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After making sure Kiana was sound asleep in his guest bedroom, Trevor left his flat, going straight back to the club.

Once he had made it each to Luca's office, he made no move to hug either men. He was still pissed at how he had caught them with his little sister.

"Man, you're still pissed about that?" Antonio chuckled

"Antonio" Luca warned

"Anyone Luca. Any girl in the city. No scratch that, in the fucking world, because we all know your rich enough to be able to move anywhere just by the click of your fingers. But no, you stayed in london. You met my sister somehow and now you're what? Fuck buddies?"

"I wouldn't say fuckbuddies. Those two definitely are more than-" Antonio started before Luca snapped his head towards him, giving him a warning look to continue

"No, don't stop him, I wanna know what you two are if you aren't going to tell me, at least Antonio will" Trevor remarked

"Luca, you tell me everything, but you couldn't tell me about this, why? Because she's my little sister and you know it's wrong?"

"I didn't know who she was. I didn't know she was your little sister" Luca admitted

"Yeah, man her last name is 'Davidson', yours is 'Brown' and she tells people who've never met you that she's an only child because you left her five years ago without any contact" Antonio added

Turning to Antonio, not wanting his input, Trevor exclaimed, "Okay Antonio, you don't need to tell me all of this because of your research on her. I get it you know your shit"

"But still Luca you didn't tell me!"

"Because I couldn't" Luca sighed

"Why? Why was this such a big secret? Why couldn't you tell me about a new girl you're sleeping with?"

"Because I think I'm falling for her" Luca admitted

"You, what?" They both asked

"Cazzo, non posso credere che ve lo sto dicendo due idioti, ma lei ha detto che devo essere più aperto con le persone quindi ecco qua" Luca sighed

(Fuck, I can't believe I'm telling you two idiots this, but she did say that I need to be more open with people so here it goes)

"Speak English man, I only know the bare minimum, what do you mean you're falling for my sister?" Trevor questioned

"He said, he can't believe he's gonna-" Antonio interpreted

"I said, that I'm falling for her. She's not just my therapist. She does something to me and I can't let her go. I want her to be mine, but she doesn't know anything about me, my life, who I really am"

"Exactly why you don't need to get her involved" Trevor muttered

"I don't want her involved, but from the moment I met her, I just had this connection with her"

"Luca you said this about-" Antonio started, referencing his friend once talking about one other woman like this and she broke him. She broke his heart and Antonio didn't want to see Luca go through that again.

"No" Luca snapped, "This is nothing like her. She was a snake, scum of the earth, dead to me. Kiana... Kiana is different"

"Exactly, she's different. She's my little sister and she doesn't need to be involved in this. Involved in you, this life, everything. You can't do that to her"

"You think I want to her to be involved in all of this? In criminal activity. To make her have a target on her back because she's my only weakness. No! I never want to put her through that, but I tried to stay away T, I really did try and I couldn't"

"What do you mean you tried?"

"He was in a bad place T. You were gone and I didn't know what to do. Francesca was worried and so was I. Then he cracked. He cracked and he went to see Kiana and then he was okay. He was back" Antonio explained

"Shit" Trevor sighed knowing when Luca dug himself into a hole, it was bad, and usually it would be him, Francesca and Antonio who would drag him out, but not once did he ever hear of him going to someone for help and that someone just so happen to be his little sister.

"You sure it's not just infatuation. You know? Like she said you two fuck, so maybe you're just confusing your feelings?" Trevor offered, trying to come up with any excuse for Luca not to take Kiana down the path of the mafia life.

"I'm sure T. I know I'm falling for her. I'm sorry" Luca sighed

"Fuck" T cursed knowing that Luca was telling the truth

"Time" he said, as Antonio and Luca furrowed their brows at him

"Give me, no...Give Kiana time to just live her life normally. Even if it is for a few weeks. Just give her time before you tell her please. I need her to have a bit more normalcy before she's brought into all of this"

"Okay" Luca smiled at T accepting his confession of falling for Kiana

"But what about the secret service?" Antonio mentioned

"The secret service? What's going on?" T asked

"Shit man, you were gone for too long" Antonio stressed, knowing that when T took trips, he was gone for god knows how long and he'd only reappear when there was a mess to be cleaned up or it was urgent.

"This is why I called you. The secret service are now interested in me. They're gathering a lot of information. I've been trying to lay low, so far nothings happened but I'm worried they'll try and strike when I'm not fully focused because I'll believe they've stopped watching me" Luca explained

"Shit, this is bad. I'll call up the people I know to see what I can find out, but I can't guarantee anything. Antonio fucked up that relationship by sleeping with the guy's wife"

Luca looked at Antonio, "what? She said she was getting a divorce" he defended himself

"What about Kiana then? Do you think they'll try and question her?" Luca asked

"If Kiana is just your therapist for the time being, they can't do anything. They won't know that she's your weakness. They'll just think that she's a therapist, who's unaware of your actual profession and you just go to for normalcy" T thought of quickly

"Let's hope they buy it"

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