Chapter 15

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It's 4 am and we're sat here cross-legged and naked, holding hands and talking on her giant quilted bed, . I have never talked to another person this much ever, save Harry. I am completely surprised that not only is she interested in all that I've said, starting with my family and ending now here with my secret self, but she has offered everything there is to know about herself.  I have been captivated.


She has a sister, Amy, and she's been in love with a woman before and a man once as well. But she is mostly in love with horses and animals, and is currently in love with her dog and her ranch. She hopes to never move from this spot, and to live her whole life here and retire happily from her practice at the age of 61, and then do nothing but pick up stray dogs and old horses to care for.  I begin to wonder what it says about me that she has gotten my worst fears out of me in less than 24 hours.  I fancy her a magician. I want her with me and it's completely unreasonable and mental but my mind starts plotting ways to get her to come with me to the show tonight.


And to stay with me.


Something about her makes me bold. Makes me feel strong. I think if I could just have this all the time, it would be perfect.


The next thing she says is bold, too. "So, I assume you have a girlfriend."  I suppose I didn't address any of that over the last few hours.


"Why do you assume that love," I say.  But I can't lie to her at all.  "I'm sat here with you and it's all I am thinking about right now."  It's almost imperceptible, but she moves one of her hands away and leans back on her arm.  It occurs to me right then that she may not want more than what this is right now, and then I can't look at her.


"Stop thinking, Louis Tomlinson," she says. And she smiles a small smile but it's not what I want to see on her face right now and the only way to stop the stab of pain that I just felt when she spoke is to keep her quiet for awhile. So, I move towards her lips, and she kisses me back. I lay her down on her bed and move to hover above her. I hold myself above her and try to take it all in:  her red hair splayed on the white pillow case and her cream skin and honey chocolate eyes and I wished with everything in me that I could freeze this moment in time, and I can feel a tear coming and I just let myself lie down onto to her warmth and her curiosity and her light and I wrap her up as tightly as I can in me.


Despite this attempt, she notices my tear falling on her cheek. I don't understand why I'm so emotional.  She moves to roll over me and kisses my closed eyes lightly one after the other. She licks my lips and kisses my chin and down my neck and across my collar bones.  The kisses are getting more meaningful now, and turning into nips and licks and she kisses each letter of my tattoo, and then she pulls my arms off her and over my head and kisses down them to and my eyes are wide open and looking at her above me and she is acting like there is all the time in the world and she's going to take it, all the time that I have, and will ever have.

She gently takes one of my hands back down and sucks each finger into her mouth, and torments my palm with a wide lick of her tongue, and joins her hand over mine on my solid, straining dick. And we are moving hands together and she begins to kiss everything.  And when she takes a break from licking and sucking and looks me, there's a shadow in her eyes that is so sexy, and she is completely given over to what she's doing. It's so obvious now that my need for this person will not be satisfied in this one bed in this one night.  But I am incapable of thinking past that thought as she decides that her fingers belong where I've never felt fingers before, and I have to squeeze my eyes shut in a moan and cover her hand on my dick with my other hand. Warmth and light shoot right out onto my belly and when I open my eyes, evidence of her trying to clean up the mess is hinting at the corner of her mouth, and oh God, I ache for her again already.

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