Chapter 10.

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Harry is a lot more trusting than me.  And sometimes that gets him into messes.  But he seems to just be able to ignore the lot and his messes go away.  He covers them up with kittens, or just plain doesn't discuss what he does, like going to a gay bar with one of his tour guides. He lets the comments of world run rampant without care these days.  It seems easy for Liam and Niall too. They just say it like it is and everyone backs off.  Zayn and I are more sensitive, but keeping quiet has seemed to work for Zayn, while it backfires on me frequently.


But when we get in the car, nothing feels more safe and comfortable than the scrunched jump seat next to the untinted window in the back of the 80's-era Ford.  Apparently, the dog ranks, because she has the middle seat in the front, while I am holding my bag in my lap and trying to cross my legs to fit into the space.


"I know it's tight back there," she says looking in the rear view. Is she a Veterinarian Mind Reader?


"No no.  Lovely truck," I say raising an eyebrow and scrunching up one side of my mouth.  Denton laughs and she laughs and it's a lovely sound.  The dog turns around and begins sniffing my hair over Denton's shoulder, so I give the girl a pet.  I do miss my pup.  She rarely travels, and its been a long tour.


"So, when did Carlos and Anna come with you," he asks her.


"Well, Denton, I didn't want to come right out with it, but after Mom passed, Dad sold the farm and he lives in a senior community now.  He has Alzheimer's.  He doesn't recognize me too often, but I go every week when I am out on my rounds and I just sit and play checkers or chess with him." She says, and her tone gets a bit serious, but she looks off to the distance.  "So," she continues, and Denton is quiet, "So, anyway. Carlos and Anna needed some place to be."

"Yer a good woman," Denton says, with a fake Texas accent.  She cracks up at that and I have to chuckle too.

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