Chapter 6.

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I am staring at Denton over Niall's shoulders, and he looks me back straight in the eye. Once, two years ago, Al and I were fighting and I just needed someone, and he found a lovely girl who was a bit older and quite a bit wiser and every now and again we still DM, but it was that one time and not since, and no one has ever spoken about it. But Denton remembers.

I slapped Niall on the back and gave him a firm look and walked off. Denton met me around the corner.

"Want to come out with me Tommo?" he asked. "I was going on out to the bars around. It'll be fun, maybe sports bar or a club? But there's this place I know about that serves the best Italian food."

"Italian sounds great...who can drive?"

"I can drive us." He says as we gather my things. We hop into a cart and then into a car, and surprisingly few hindrances keep us from driving off into the American countryside. I take this as a sign. Also, I have to say it pays to be reclusive. Often, no one is looking for me to appear. We drive quite far and I am surprised by the sparse beauty of the land and wonder if we will actually make it back for the show tomorrow night. I am suddenly struck with how great it would be to just fold up and stay out here and not appear again to the world. But those thoughts are self absorbed shit. A very small town appears up ahead, and sure enough an Italian place.

Denton's been quiet. My phone has been quiet. I am a star, and Denton is a yes man, and the only people who will call me out are far away.

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