Chapter thirty-seven

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No one disturbed me.

I fell into a deep sleep and probably slept for hours. It was only when I heard the sound of voices did I wake.

I sat up in bed, hearing the sounds of the rest of my brothers returning home. They were so loud. They intruded into the silence with their laughing, shouting snd joking.

I stood up and walked over to my mirror to check my appearance. I noticed that I had slightly smudge makeup under my eyes from the crying I had a spent the hour before I fell to sleep doing.

However, I looked fatigued. My skin was pale and my eyes were droopy despite the sleep I had gotten. What was even more unfair was how I still felt tired.

Suddenly, the cluster of voices submerged into the house, becoming background noise, but then one voice stood out, getting closer and closer to my door.

"Don't go in there." A voice said and I recognised it was Elliott. He must have been on the other side of the door.

I turned to look at the door, feeling as though someone might force their way into my room at any given second.

"She in there?" I hear another voice say, I recognise it to be Charlie.

I relax a bit, knowing it's only Charlie that's wanting to come in — not Dean, who seemed like he could interrogate me until he got an answer out of me.

"Charlie, listen to Elliott." Someone else directed, I recognised the voice to be Chase.

"Why shouldn't I go in there? You're telling me she fucking fainted and you haven't even talked to her about it?" Charlie said, I could hear the anger raising in his voice.

"I think she needs some time, Charlie. Dean tried to talk to her when he brought her home, she didn't say a word to him." Elliott explained.

"Khloe didn't say anything? That's not like Khloe." Chase said.

I heard Charlie scoff. "How would you know what she's like?! You've only just started to try and treat her like our sister. You don't know her at all." Charlie growled.

"Charlie, calm down. There's no need to get mad." Elliott warned.

"Why shouldn't I? I'm worried about her and I've been worried about her for a long time and yet you guys have only just started to get worried about her? And now you're telling me to leave her alone?" Charlie said, angry.

"Look, kid." Elliott began. "Khloe's not been wanting to talk. She went straight to her room when she got back, not talking to me or Dean. We should leave her to come out when she's ready. She wants space." Elliott said, sounding all wise and superior, but I just rolled my eyes.

What did he know?

"Elliott's right, we don't want to suffocate her. I'm sure she'll come out when she's ready." Chase said.

"Just let me go in and see if she's okay." Charlie said, his voice strained like he was upset.

"No, Charlie. You're the last person I want to go in there." Elliott explained.

"What? Why? I'm the best person to go in there. No one gets Khloe like I do." Charlie replied.

"Yeah," Chase scoffed, "and no one keeps Khloe's secrets like you do."

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked, clearly as confused as I was at chase's remark.

"It's nothing." Chase said, dismissing him.

"No. Tell me what you mean." Charlie demanded.

I heard Chase sigh and I could just imagine Chase and Elliott looking at each other, probably with the same knowing look whilst they looked down at their clueless younger brother, trying to explain something to him that they thought he probably didn't understand.

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