viii. 𝚊𝚣𝚣𝚊𝚗𝚘

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A YEAR had passed. In November of 1943, Evelyn worked closely with her brother on weapon manufacturing and trying to figure out how exactly they were going to win World War II against Schmidt and Hitler. Between letters to Bucky and Steve, Evelyn had seen everything about Captain America around the world. She was proud of Steve for becoming the icon, but she knew he could have been doing more had he come to Europe with Evelyn. She had tried and tried, but Phillips was adamant that Steve stay in America unless necessary playing a 'chorus-girl.'

As for Evelyn's experiments on herself, she had found the serums worked perfectly in sync to one another. Peggy and Evelyn would train daily, and Peggy hardly could win when it was the opposite in the beginning. Evelyn's brains were just as quick, and her power grew with the daily exercises in controlling her strengths. Even with her strategic mind, Phillips still did not let her plan attacks. It was a precaution, she knew he kept saying, but she was ready to do more. At least Steve was an icon—the Star Spangled Man with a Plan. She thought, who would not be jealous of that? At least he was doing something to be recognized for. She felt she would be lost in translations as everyone worked around her.

When she heard Steve would be coming to the base in Italy, she felt a bit of relief at being able to see his face again. She felt disconnected from him and Bucky, and she really just needed to hold them again. Peggy noticed her sigh from across the room, as Evelyn wrote something down on Howard's orders. Peggy knew Evelyn was meant for more than this. She was not the kind of person to be cooped in a lab like Howard. She was also glad to see Steve again, wanting to congratulate him on the hope he had brought to America by just being himself.

Howard stood up, handing Evelyn a shot of whiskey. Both knocked it back in the Stark fashion, not even budging at the taste. He quirked a brow as he watched her finger the ring on her necklace.

"Have you heard from Barnes recently?" Howard asked softly.

Peggy's brow quirked at Evelyn's shortened breath that came out raggedly. "No," she said. "No, I haven't heard from him in over two weeks. That's the longest it has ever been without a letter from him."

"What about Steve?" Peggy asked softly.

"He should be arriving today," Evelyn whispered, gesturing for Howard to pour more of the alcoholic beverage in her glass. Both knocked it back quickly when he poured some in his own glass. "I'm sorry. I need to calm down. Bucky's fine. I'm sorry."

Peggy reached over and grabbed her hand. "He's your person. There's nothing to apologize for... a love like that is hard to find. I understand your worries, love."

Howard nodded. "I'm sure he's just busy," he said, choosing the right word. "Yeah, busy."

Evelyn smiled at them thankfully for trying to help. "I need some air. Let the Colonel know I'm taking a break."

Peggy nodded. "I'll come." Peggy nodded at Howard who smiled thankfully at her. Peggy linked her arm with Evelyn's. "Oh," she started as they made it outside, "there are some men arriving from a horrible battle in Azzano in an hour or so... they may require your assistance in the medical tent."

"I'll do what I need to do," Evelyn promised. She noticed a stage being set up. "Steve's performing?"

"I think so," Peggy said, a frown on her face. "Why would they have him perform here?"

Evelyn unlatched her arm as she sat on the ground, grabbing her jacket to open it. She began to dig around for a pack of cigarettes she stole from Howard, strictly only smoking when she was stressed. Howard leaned more toward alcohol, but Evelyn could not get drunk. She found her own methods to release stress, even if Peggy gave her looks from above.

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