lviii. 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚖

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2016; Wakanda


Evelyn had never had so much of the two.

Stepping outside of her small hut, she took a deep breath as she stared at the large lake in front of her. Evelyn had been there for three months, though it did not seem that long. She had gotten rid of everything besides her cell phone—used only to talk to Steve and Tony on the occasion. She hardly touched it any other time. Instead, she helped Wakanda in any way she could.

Shuri had her in the lab more often than not. When she was done with her tasks in there, some days she would find Okoye and Ayo. The two women were teaching her to fight. To protect Bucky better than she ever good. No matter how much she was ready for the fighting to be over, she knew there would be more fighting to come if she would get Bucky free.

Other than that, Evelyn tended to a small garden and three goats. She grew her own food. Took the milk from the goats. She was in complete tranquility. The only thing she was missing was her James.

There were days where she would go sit in the room where he was kept. She could see his frozen face in the window, and she thought no one was around when she would talk to him about her day. Shuri was, however, and she would always smile at how pure the love Evelyn had for Bucky was.

Some nights, she would sit out by a burning fire, simply staring into it. It sounded boring, the life she was growing accustomed to, but it wasn't. It was something Evelyn had wanted for so many years of going from one battle to the next. She had been tired of the fighting. At least in Wakanda, she was left alone. No fights. No anger. No malice. Just calm. Peace.

It was after three months that Shuri had approached the woman. Evelyn had been out with some children, helping them with common chores when the princess had called her name.

"Mrs. Barnes," she had called. Evelyn smiled, telling her, "I told you to call me Evelyn, Shuri." Shuri only smiled, stepping forward and shooing away the children who stared at their princess with awe. Evelyn watched at how the children ran off, biting back a smile at the idea of having a child one day. She knew it was silly to think about. It would never happen, but Evelyn was learning that never in Wakanda was almost impossible. Wakanda offered Evelyn a lot that she had pleaded for. Maybe one day, Evelyn and Bucky would get lucky.

"Evelyn," Shuri corrected as she extended her arm for the woman. "We might have found something."

Evelyn looped her arm with Shuri's, furrowing her eyebrows. "Found what?"

"A way to help your husband," Shuri admitted, her smile widening when she saw Evelyn's eyes light up. Evelyn pulled on her skirt, lifting it so that they could speed up their pace. Shuri laughed at how quick Evelyn was pulling her along. "Hold on, White Tiger."

Evelyn slowed down as they had reached the lab. Her sandals did not make a sound on the hard floor as the pair met Okoye and Ayo. Ayo smirked at the flushed face of Evelyn. "Excited?" she teased the woman.

Evelyn realized Shuri never did say whether or not they were taking Bucky out. She let go of the princess, turning to her with a questioning look. "Should I be?"

Shuri motioned her head with an excited look on her face. Evelyn turned when she heard the sound of someone standing.

Evelyn's brown eyes locked with his steely blue gaze. She found herself running, throwing her body onto his strong one. He was ice cold to touch, but she did not care as she felt his arm wrap around her waist.

"James," she breathed out.

"Evelyn," he said back, kissing the side of her head with a sigh leaving his lips. He met Shuri's eyes, nodding to convey in gratitude that Evelyn was there at that moment. "You look beautiful."

Bucky noticed Evelyn's hair had gotten longer and lighter from obvious time out in the sun. Her complexion was a tad darker, and she looked stronger—stronger than she was with the serum. He wondered what exactly Evelyn had been doing during his three months of being asleep.

Evelyn blushed like the first time Bucky had ever complimented her. "Thanks," she whispered. "I'm so glad to see you."

Shuri stepped forward. "Sergeant Barnes. We have much to discuss."

"You said you figured it out?" Evelyn asked as she turned, staying at his side. Her back was to his front as he kept his arm on her. He did not want her far away from him, and she did not want him far from her.

Shuri nodded, her face finally falling from her joyous outlook. "Yes," she said a bit gravely. "It will take time. Weeks if all goes well. We have created a machine... to mimick the one of Hydra—"

Bucky noticed Evelyn tense more than him. He was worried and scared, of course, but he wanted it out of him. He trusted Shuri more than anyone besides his Evelyn.

"—that erased your memories. Instead of erasing memories, it will erase the Winter Soldier's affiliation with the words. It will erase anyone having control over you again," Shuri finished.

Evelyn frowned as Bucky said, "When do we start?"

"Buck," she whispered and turned to look at him. "Are you sure?"

Shuri smiled at the care and tenderness of Evelyn's touch to Bucky's cheek. "It will take a few times to condition the words to have no meaning. This is why we will have Ayo and Okoye around when we test it."

Bucky grabbed her hand on his face. "I need to try. I'll be able to handle it."

"I don't know if I will," she admitted with a small laugh.

"Trust me," he told her.

"I do," she whispered back.

Bucky glanced at Shuri. She nodded at him. "We can start whenever you are ready, Sergeant Barnes."

Evelyn moved as Bucky stood. Shuri walked to a room with a chair that had Bucky on edge. Okoye and Ayo clutched their spears tighter, not wanting any harm to come to their princess. Shuri told Bucky to sit down, and he did so without hesitation as he had done hid whole life. Evelyn stood at the other side of the room, eyes waiting for him to back out. Bucky did not, though. He sat back, prepared to take whatever pain and means necessary to get the Winter Soldier taken out of him.

Shuri pressed some buttons, and Evelyn watched pieces of metal wrap around his flesh hand. Metal plates landed on his face, blocking half of it off. His eyes frantically searched for Evelyn's as he felt he was stuck in his nightmares again.

Shuri motioned for Evelyn to stand next to him. Evelyn shook her head.

"He needs you," Shuri told her firmly.

Evelyn stepped forward, her steps shaky. When she made it to his side, she let her hand rest on top of his. "It'll be all right," she said softly.

Shuri called out a countdown just as the machine whirred to life.

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