liii. 𝚌𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝚠𝚊𝚛

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IT WAS quiet for a moment before Evelyn let out a small laugh. The laugh grew until Sam scowled and said, "What?"

"We just got our asses kicked by a teenager."

Bucky's lips twitched at the melodic sound of her laughter. Sam had Redwing cut the webs off of them one by one as he muttered, "Don't remind me."

As soon as Bucky could, he helped Evelyn up, cupping her face. "You okay?"

"Fine. Let's go."

Bucky, Evelyn, and Sam took off running again, finally managing to get out of the terminal and onto the runway. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Steve, Wanda, Clint, and Scott running toward them.

"There's our ride," Clint told them.

Steve nodded, running in front. "Come on!"

As they ran, Evelyn was pushed back by Bucky as a fizzing stream of energy went through the ground in front of them. Evelyn panted, gesturing to Vision's presence. "Seven to six," she told Bucky who nodded.

"Captain Rogers. Mrs. Barnes," Vision began in the irritating tone that led up to him saying something logical. Though, this time, it was out of line. "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

Behind Vision, Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, T'Challa, and the Spider-thing stood tall staring at them.

Bucky placed his hand on Evelyn's. Tony watched the movement carefully, as did T'Challa and Natasha. Evelyn met the redhead's eyes, pleading with her through unspoken words.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam said as they stared at each other.

"We fight," Steve said with a firm nod.

Natasha sighed. "This is gonna end well."

Evelyn began to walk with her team, Tony's team beginning to walk as well. Their walks turned into long strides until they were officially beginning to run at each other.

"They're not stopping," the Spider said.

Tony's eyes were flickering between Steve and Evelyn as he said, "Neither are we."

Evelyn and Bucky were in the sights of T'Challa. He extended his claws, and Evelyn already knew what they felt like firsthand. Bucky landed the first blow, but T'Challa was swift on his feet. He dodged, but he could not dodge forever. Bucky and Evelyn delivered simultaneous punches that had T'Challa fall to the ground.

T'Challa threw Evelyn aside, watching as she landed on her feet in a crouched position—looking at him dangerously. Bucky got his attention off of her, but T'Challa managed to grab him by the throat.

"I didn't kill your father," Bucky managed to strain out as he twisted the position, his hand now wrapped around T'Challa's throat.

"Then why did you run?" he snarled back, extending his claws to swipe at him. Suddenly, red mist surrounded him as he was thrown into the nearest airport car. Bucky and Evelyn nodded at Wanda. She gave Evelyn a wink.

Evelyn watched Bucky run off to Steve when he saw him fighting the Spider. She turned just as Iron Man landed in front of her. His helmet flipped up to reveal the nasty bruise Bucky had given him.

"We're family," was all Tony said.

"We are," she agreed. "So, I shouldn't have to beg for your trust. For you to back me up on this. I was with him, Anthony. He did NOT bomb Vienna. No one wants to listen."

Tony's eyes flickered to her husband. "And what if I still have a hard time believing you?"

"Then, what good is family for if not to trust each other? I trusted you when you created Vision. Blindly. I had no idea what would happen," she said as Rhodey hovered next to Tony.

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