lxiii. 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎

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BUCKY WATCHED Evelyn's suit take form slowly. The suit was made of Vibranium, much like T'Challa's suit. It held spots for hidden knives and straps for guns. Bucky stared at her through the small mirror, anger and worry in their eyes. They wanted to be done with fighting. Fighting, however, was not done with them. They could not catch a break it seemed. Evelyn watched Bucky move his new arm in a circular motion once, trying to get used to it again after Shuri had carefully connected it to his body earlier that day.

"Is it okay?" she asked him, remembering the designs she had given to Shuri. She had hoped the day he put the arm back on would be on his own terms, not because of another fight. "The arm?"

"Yeah," he said as she turned to face him. "Fits fine."

"I'm sorry, Buck," she whispered, head falling to his chest. He used his flesh hand to caress her hair carefully—not wanting to mess up the intricate braid Shuri had done for her. "I'm so sorry."

Bucky sighed. "It's not your fault," he said softly. "This is the most peace I've felt, Evelyn. I don't want it to end."

"We'll just have to beat these guys, then... maybe we get our peace," she told him. Evelyn tilted her head to look him in the eyes. "Promise?"

"Promise," he agreed, lowering his head to kiss her. Their lips molded together, something they could never get tired off. His metal arm came to rest on her waist, squeezing slightly. He had just begun to push her back into the mirror when a cough was heard. Evelyn and Bucky chuckled quietly, both turning their heads to look at Shuri. "Yes?"

"I want to paint the White Tiger's face. So, detach yourself from her," Shuri said to him with a teasing grin on her face.

Bucky rolled his eyes but the smile did not falter. "I'm going to use the toilet. Don't do too much. She's already perfect."

Evelyn blushed slightly as he walked away, and Shuri laughed. She placed the paints on the table as she began to use her fingers to draw the designs. "What is troubling you, Evelyn?"

Evelyn did not move as Shuri added dots around her face in a battle-like way that Wakandans did. She noticed Shuri had some as well. "I don't want to fight anymore. I'm worried for him."

"I know," Shuri stated. "But, he is just as worried for your well-being. The White Wolf has nothing but love in his eyes for you. He will not let you be harmed."

Evelyn smiled at the terms that they called them. White Wolf and White Tiger was very popular among the children. "Thank you."

"We'll win. Good guys always win, yes?"

Bucky walked back into the room, his eyes softening at her face. Shuri had made it look like her eyes were standing out even more. She looked beautiful, of course. Shuri backed away with a smirk. "Are you sure I can't do yours, Bucky?"

Bucky shook his head. "No way. I couldn't pull it off."

"You white boys, always so insecure," she tsked before walking out. "Captain Rogers is arriving shortly!" she called to them as she left. Bucky smiled at the name, stepping forward to hug Evelyn once more.

"Let's go see our favorite guy," Evelyn teased, kissing Bucky once—giggling slightly when redness made it on his lips from the makeup. She wiped it before pinching his cheek. "Come on, White Wolf."

Bucky smiled wide at the name, grabbing her hand as they left their hut. In the sky, they saw a Quinjet landing ahead. T'Challa and the Dora Milaje stood there waiting, Okoye and Ayo standing near the front. Ayo's eyes shifted to Bucky and Evelyn, and she smiled at them. As Steve, Natasha, Sam, Bruce, Rhodey, Wanda, and Vision stepped off of the jet, Evelyn almost began to cry at the sight of Rhodey and Bruce. She had not seen Bruce since Ultron, and she had not seen Rhodey since the fight.

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