【12】Criminal in the Making

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"You want to what?!" Oliver exclaimed

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"You want to what?!" Oliver exclaimed.


Looking around us, I made sure no one's attention was on us.

He'd agreed to meet me at a bar, the very evening following my epiphany. It was crowded, like any Saturday evening, and the noise surrounding us offered a good cover for our discussion. We'd left both our phones back in our cars, to make absolutely certain no one could be listening on us.

"I want to do something huge while impersonating Nammota, so they'll have to let Alexander go. Even if they still believe it might be him, Lex's defense will have the mother of all proofs against them, and they'll win the case for sure."

He didn't answer for a while, completely dumbfounded. His gaze was lost somewhere between us as he tried to make sense of my crazy plan. "But you don't know how to hack into anything," was his first response.

"I know that, and I realize how it's going to be nearly impossible. But I have access to his work," I confessed. "I won't start from nothing. I'll have his legendary skills to help me out. I'll learn from the best of the best."

He considered this new information for a few seconds, his brow twitching as he did. It was a crazy plan. I knew that. But it was my absolute last resort to get Lex freed. I owed it to him to get him out of the mess I'd put him into.

"Thirty-seven days isn't enough," he concluded, giving me an apologetic look.

"I can make it work. Or at least I can try."

"How are you going to juggle this with work?"

A grimace stretched my lips, as we were now reaching a part I knew I would dread. "I clearly can't do both," I admitted. "So I don't really have a choice but to quit."

Oliver didn't like this idea one bit, and I couldn't blame him for it. I hated it myself, but if I wanted to have a fair chance at getting Lex out, I needed to give this project my full, undivided attention. For the next month and some, I would become a learning machine, devoted to setting up the perfect, most flawless plan Nammota had ever come up with.

"It'll look suspicious," he noted. "You quit, and shortly after, there's a big hit? Aren't you worried they'll figure out it was you?"

"You've said it yourself, thirty-seven days isn't enough. So they can't really believe I'd have enough time to do it, right?"

"I still think it's not a good idea to just quit, it might raise questions, and you want to look as innocent as possible."

"Then what can I do? I need to have my days free so I can dedicate them to this, Oli."

"You have other ways to get off work without quitting. Maybe get a sick leave?"

"Over what?"

"Mental health. You can totally get that, Andy."

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