02 April : a poem on progress(ions)

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Two-two four, four-two eight, eight-two sixteen, sixteen-two thirty two...
Two-two four, four-two six, six-two eight, eight-two ten...
There was once an economist who said humankind was doomed to starve
Because our crops would never be able to keep up with our mouths.
In this poem, I take him out to Starbucks
And buy a white chocolate mocha;
As I sip on it, I say, did you know, Tom,
One third of all the earth's food go to waste?
And you were so worried about the real numbers?!

Two-two four, four-two eight, eight-two sixteen, sixteen-two thirty two...
Two-two four, four-two six, six-two eight, eight-two ten...
The earth is 4.54 billion years old.
We were born mere 300 thousand years ago
So to win the bet, we say
We are 9.46 trillion seconds old.
That's a lot, see,
A lot. So cut us some slack
Our bodies of skin, bone, ligaments are crumbling
To time...
But hold on
Hold on
Hold on
One day we'll discover immortality.

Two-two four, four-two eight, eight-two sixteen, sixteen-two thirty two...
Two-two four, four-two six, six-two eight, eight-two ten...
Come, get in line,
Let's dance (we've built an entire floor for that!)
With our stick-figure bodies, full bellies, greying hair and painted toes,
With our golden crowns and plastic swords and rusted glass slippers -
Did you know desire grows in geometric progression?
Stack the bricks over one another, place the gears inside the other - infinity is just round the corner.

Two-two four, four-two eight, eight-two sixteen, sixteen-two thirty two...
Two-two four, four-two six, six-two eight, eight-two ten...
We're good at math, the load of us.
We burned our abacus to produce calculators
Just hit the square button enough times and you have built an empire -
(Panem forever!)
This is infinity.

Did you know, any number, however grand, placed atop infinity is zero?

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