7 July : return to sender

39 6 2

Because I'm too cool to write a poem
On how I wait, with a hand on the back of my phone,
Unlocking and locking it over and over again,
For your message
Your call
Your name to appear on the list of people who've seen my Instagram story,
I instead write a poem on how...
How I'm a vampire and you're the eldest child of a royal family!
On how our love (that's mostly in my head) is the most adventurous tale ever told,
With sprinkles of dark academia and gen z shenanigans,
How you probably yearn for my presence as much I do for yours
How the softest things - the sunlight, a particular song, a season, a delicacy - remind me of you
You, my love
You, my friend
You, my...
I don't know anymore.
But I'm too cool to admit it
And you're too cool to notice it
And we're too busy to act on it
So I turn off my notifications
And write a poem on...


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