Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 is dedicated to meowmfmeow

Thank you for your support ❤

When we got back, my parents accepted the 'me falling down the stairs' excuse without any underlying suspicion. It explained my injuries, and it was definitely something my clumsy self would do. I was chastised for not being careful enough, while Kevin was praised for being the one who saved me. Plus parents points for him.

My dad was so impressed with Kevin that he didn't even notice that Ashton wasn't there. That worked out for the better, because I was in no mood to explain the break up to them any time soon.

I would have to explain it at some point though. Melissa and Callie were coming over today. Callie had met up Melissa at the airport and they would be coming here together. Kevin and I headed up to my room where I collapsed among the sheets. Not my best idea. Pain shot up my arm and I glared accusingly at the cast.

"We're baaack," Melissa sang as she stepped through the door. I could see Callie's brown hair bobbing behind her.

They all froze when they saw the condition I was in. I waved at them awkwardly with my brace hand. Their eyes snapped to Kevin who had just opened a bag of Hot Cheetos.

"Why is Liz a mummy?" Callie shrieked, rushing over to me. She examined my cast in horror. "Why is it that every time I see you, you have a new injury? Is cast collecting your new hobby or something?"

"I wouldn't call it a hobby," I laughed as they sat down beside me. "Those are usually fun."

"How did this happen?" Melissa frowned. "I've only been gone for a month and this is how you greet me? Broken?"

"She still has her funny bone," Kevin quipped and Melissa glared at him.

"You know, for a girl who's surrounded by strong Origens like yourself, I don't see why she gets hurt this easily."

Kevin winced and I laughed. "It's not their fault. This was all me."

"What happened?"

"I fell down some stairs," I said, air quoting the sentence.

They narrowed their eyes at me in confusion.

"What's the real story?" Callie asked.

"I got kidnapped by a revenge seeking Origen."

"You- you say that so casually," Melissa gasped, She slapped Kevin across the arm. "How did you let this happen to my baby? Were you drunk?"

"I don't get drunk," he sighed. "It happened at the gala."

"Tell. Me. Everything," Callie demanded, her expression serious.

I got into the story of how I managed to fracture an arm and re-sprain my wrist. Their faces paled as they listened to how I had met Malekh and found out about Demetri. Callie's face was clouded with disbelief and anger.

"He was an Origen this whole time?" she hissed. "So he was the one who messed with my memories of Daniel!"

I nodded. It was still a big surprise to me too.

"That... If I ever see that guy again, I'm going to-"

"Stay away from him," Kevin finished. "You're not going to do anything except contact me or Daniel with telepathy and get as far away from him as possible."

"I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole," she seethed. "But look at what he did to Liz!"

"We'll take care of him. We're going to come up with a plan."

The Prince's Fiancée | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora