Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 is dedicated to phumzile1985 and abcmansi and avneetian_13

Thank you for your support ❤

I panted as we ran into the immense hall. Everyone inside was talking in hush, hurried tones and glancing at their watches. Their voices drifted to me in low, incoherent murmurs and I couldn't make out anything they were saying, but Kevin's sensitive ears listened in on the conversations.

The adrenaline that had fueled such a tiring run was beginning to fade away. My muscles ached and my heart was hammering against my ribcage. There was a dull throbbing at the back of my head, but it was nothing compared to the pain that was starting to settle in my heart as the painful realization that it was over really set in.

By mere seconds, we'd been too late.

I rested my hands on my knees, breathing unevenly while Kevin's eyes scanned the front of the room. CaVaughn was sitting there with his usual stone face and Ashton's mom and dad were sitting opposite from him.

Various important looking people were also positioned beside the king and queen. They were probably from the kingdom of Meryllia and here to witness the ceremony that had happened.

There was no sign of Ashton and Hailey and I wondered if they had already left the hall. When would I see him again? I wouldn't be able to avoid him because Jackson wasn't back yet and I still had to attend meetings at the palace. How would I be able to endure seeing him and Hailey together? Just the thought of that made my heart crumple.

CaVaughn looked over in our direction and seemed to say something to Kevin who frowned, but looked relieved at the same time.

"Callie's extremely curious right now," he said, pointing to his head. "She keeps asking 'How is it going?'"

I stared at the ground, feeling a mixture of emotions. We didn't make it in time. A part of me had wanted to stop the engagement and let Ashton know how I really felt about him. The part me that was being selfish.

I allowed Kevin to tug me out of the room and back into the cold night air. Being beside him, I didn't feel so cold anymore.

He led me around to the back of the hall and we went through a door in the side. Inside, Ashton was facing the wall, running a hand through his hair. Even though all I could see was his back, the atmosphere felt anxious and sad.

On the table beside him was a velvet box. There was no sign of Hailey. He turned around slowly as he heard us approach and his eyes instantly met mine.

"You came."

Kevin gave me a cryptic smile and I saw the reflection of my confused expression in his eyes.

"It's up to both of you now," he said as he smoothed my hair down and left the room.

I frowned, unsure of what that meant, but I just shrugged it off. Why was Ashton all the way around here? I thought he would have been celebrating his engagement by now. Everyone outside of the hall was.

We stared at each other in reticence, not knowing what to say. I licked my lips nervously as what felt like hours drew by. I couldn't congratulate him. I couldn't bring myself to fake happiness right now.

I broke the silence first. "Where is Hailey?"

"She ran away."

I tilted my head quizzically as a look of complete bafflement crossed my face. I paused, waiting for him to explain.

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