Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 is dedicated to ameerahbello5 and Sugarcxn3s

Thank you for your support ❤

Ashton's POV

I followed behind my parents as they made their way to their office. My head was pounding and I was seeing double. Everything was hazy and I had to focus hard to avoid colliding with anything in the hallway. CaVaughn was already there, leaning against the wall. He must have heard the commotion downstairs.

I scowled. The metallic smell of blood stung my nose. Whenever I thought the king's ability couldn't get any stronger, he never failed to remind me just how much power he wielded.

We filed into the office and closed the doors. Brooke was the only one absent from the family meeting, but whatever was going to be said in here wouldn't do her any good.

"Sit," the king commanded gruffly.

He was beyond pissed at the fact that Elizabeth and I had broken up. This was somewhat my first victory against him. I managed a small smile, although I didn't feel too victorious.

CaVaughn and I sat on the chairs directly in front of his thick, mahogany desk, stacked high with documents. My mother hovered around us in case he tried to do something underhanded, and then eventually sat beside us too.

"You're an even bigger idiot that I thought you were," he spoke after a minute of heavy silence.


He brought his hand down on the table with so much force and a loud cracking sound indicated that it was now broken.

"You don't ever grow up!" he yelled. "I chose you as my successor and this is what you do? You end things with your soulmate?!"

"I had my reasons." That was at least true. I couldn't regret my choice now. What's done was done.

"You wanted to discuss this. I'm giving him a chance for your sake," he addressed mom who flashed me a worried look.

"Let's talk about your soulmate," he growled.

"I don't have a soulmate anymore."

"Yes, you do," mom scolded. "Ending the relationship does not change that fact."

"I've already decided to reject her."

"You will do no such thing!" the king thundered. He glared vehemently and I could see the full extent of his wrath written clearly on his face. "Reject her? You must be out of your damn mind!"

"Your maj-"

"Shut up! That is final!"

I scoffed, and that just ignited his fury even more.

"What about you?" I erupted. "You rejected your own soulmate. I don't think you're the right person to be giving me a lecture."

"Yes I did," he snapped. "And I had your mother's soulmate killed. You know who you're dealing with and you're still carrying on like this?"

My mom winced at that not so delicate reminder and I narrowed my eyes at him. He felt no remorse. That's exactly why Malekh wanted to get rid of him. I clenched and unclenched my fist, trying not to lose control of my emotions.

"Is it a fight that you want?" he growled. "Let's do it, son. When I knock some sense into you, then you'll know who the boss is around here."

"Your majesty, no-one is asking for a fight," CaVaughn interjected before things could get even more heated. "Be civil about this. It wouldn't be good for Brooke."

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