Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 is dedicated to StrangeHuman317 and Zuzu_75 and yan_a06

Thank you for your support ❤

"Hi, Elizabeth." Micah waved as I stepped through the gate.

I smiled at him. He was sitting with Melissa, as he usually did on the weekends. Since Armani died, he had lost his motivation for everything and Esmeralda and I were pretty worried about him.

He had completely given up his interest in becoming a lawyer and still spent most of his time sleeping or staring at the sky. I'd thought that maybe Melissa could spend some time with him since she wanted to be a lawyer too. She agreed to try helping him because, like me, she wanted to see him return to his usual, cheerful self.

He still wasn't smiling, but he was doing better than we'd expected. He was more talkative and his appetite had returned. Esmeralda grumbled as she cooked, that feeding him was now a full time job, but when she thought we weren't looking, she wore a happy smile.

I sat beside them on the little bench outside.
"You two looked like you had fun today."

He nodded. "Melissa told me some really interesting things."

She stood up. "I have to leave now. We're still on for later, right?"

"Of course, that's a must. I'll see you at six."

She smiled and then pressed something into Micah's hands. I recognized it as the Law book I had bought for him months ago. He looked at it sadly.

"Take your time," Melissa said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't force it. Read it again when you're ready."

He nodded slowly and we waved at her as she left.

"I'm going to miss her," he mumbled. A single tear slid down his cheek.

I brushed it away with my thumb. Melissa and Trey would be leaving for university tomorrow and it made me incredibly sad to even think about her leaving.

"Hey, she's not going away forever," I reassured him. "She'll be back. It might take a while, but you'll definitely see her again. Besides, you have her number and everything. Call her whenever you want."

He nodded, still sad to see her go. It was one of the impacts that Armani's death had had on him. It was especially hard for him to let people go now.

"Stop moping around out here," Esmeralda scolded him. "You'll scare the flowers I just planted. They won't grow if you water them with your tears."

She handed him a chocolate muffin and pushed one at me too. "I baked these so I figured I could let you taste one."

"Thanks, Esmeralda."


She stomped back to the house, and then without turning around said, "I'm proud of how far you've both come."

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

Micah looked at the Law book again, a little longer this time, and then flipped it open. He glanced at me and I nodded in encouragement. He ran his fingers along the words and for the first time in a long time, I saw a glimmer in his eyes.

I sighed in complete bliss as the sweet aroma wafted to my nose. Creamy Dreams was where I'd be meeting Melissa, Callie and Kevin tonight. Someone linked arms with me and I turned to see that it was Callie who had just arrived too.

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