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hi loves!! author here :D

first off i wanted to thank you for reading this story!! it really means a lot to me that you took time out of your day to do so! it makes me very happy 🥺

i wanted to clarify a few things before we get started !!

!!! we're not legos here we're all actually gonna be regular humans okay 😭😭 ive seen comments on other fanfics about the ninja being legos,,,*cricket noises* and it's funny HHAHA ,, so i wanted to say this right off the bat just in case !!!

everyone in this story is eighteen+, even us as the readers! let me give you guys a specific age range so you guys can reference whenever you'd like:

kai - nineteen (yeah yeah❤️)
jay - eighteen (babyyyy)
cole - nineteen (little sweetie pieee)
zane - nineteen (stan the titanium ninja)
lloyd - eighteen (hottie ugh)
nya - eighteen (you go queen ugh stan nya too)
y/n - eighteen (ya kno it ,, that's us hehe)

i know in most fanfics,,, zane is wayyy older and lloyd is younger, but for this story we're all gonna be around the same age :D !!! i would never wanna promote inappropriate relationships between minors by making our age ranges different !! also, the similar ages makes everything that is thought, said, and done more appropriate as older teenagers. like ,, i wouldn't want sixteen year olds to be talking like this so ???


younglings (twelve ?? and younger) !! i know many of you will probably stumble upon my story, and i really appreciate it 🥺 !!! but i must warn you ,,, this story will feature cursing, explicit thoughts, and scenes of intimacy. i don't wanna be a bad influence and total ruin you !! :'( so please read at your own risk!!!

if anyone else ,,, (thirteen+ !!) isn't entirely cool with some lemony stuffz (this story isn't composed of much of that,, soo !!) ,, do not fret! i will issue warnings at the beginning of chapters for those scenes :)

we will be involved in a love square (?? it can't be triangle with four people LOOOL) with jay, kai, and lloyd !!

for "authentic" (couldn't think of a better word for it so yeah❤️) purposes ,, i'm making these three ninja encompass the titles of "good",, "bad",, and "dirty",, !!! i'm aware their actual characters aren't going to be a hundred percent accurate  ,, but just know i bended it  for this sole purpose !!!

the reason i thought of this story was bc one night i was in my feels and i was listening to panic! and the song the good, the bad, and the dirty came up HAHAHA,,, but i thought it would be a cool idea to try !!!

in addition ,,, i will insert videos (songs) into the chapters so you guys can play it at a certain time to enhance the ~moment~ HAHAHA,,, like in a movie scene  when it's something dramatic or soft ,, ya know ???,, so be on the lookout for those !!!

i will most likely make a playlist chapter once i complete the story !!! my song selections aren't all final so ,,!!!

all my author's notes will be italicized !! i put content warnings, audio instructions, and any other things you may need to know before the chapter begins. anything else i have to say are for the end of the chapter :)

lowercase is intended btw !! it's just the way i type loooooollllllll

hmmm,,, what else ,,what else ?!

oooohh!! please feel free to message me if you wanna know something ,, or see something ,,, or not see something (that's if you arrive before i complete this haha) !! vote, comment, recommend to your amigos ,,, anything honestly you do to interact with this book makes me SOOOO GRATEFUL AND HAPPIIIII :D i love reading comments and responding to you guys sooo always feel open to express yourselves !!!

aaaannndd,, i think that's pretty much it guys !!!

i hope you enjoy this story,,, i hope you find yourself in the love square and totally feel like you can't choose,,, ugh everyone is literally so hot ,,, MUAHAHAHA

thank you again everyone,,, have a lovely time on our journey ,,,!!!

with all the love in the world ,,,

n <33

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydWhere stories live. Discover now