The Boyfriend Plan [NaNoWriMo]

776 18 6

Genre: Humor

Book status: ongoing

Review: I have laughed and I think I've cried, but this book is simply awesome a s monkey bears and unicorn poop!! It is now on my top favorites list!! I honestly can't wait until she finishes and this book is refreshing since I've never come across a book like this and the plot is totally creative and any other word that is related to awesome!!


❝ "Wouldn't it be so much simpler if when a girl likes a guy, she could just, I don't know, put a sack over his head and throw him over her shoulder and run? I wish it was like that," grumbled Evie. Dory laughed, "That's ridiculous." Bernadette shook her head, her face lighting up. "No! You're onto something, Evie! This is the 21st century, after all. No more boys throwing girls over their shoulders and wooing them! We can do it too. Let's go kidnap some boys."

Rating: 9/10

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