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Genre: Teen Fiction

Book Status: completed

Review: This book is bloody brillaint and to die for!! It has an amazing plot, awesome characters, and a good moral. It has made me laugh and cry and in all honesty, I think it would win the The Wattys!! 


Avalon has spent her entire life on her family's Cattle Station in Northern Queensland. In her eyes there is nothing sweeter than working the land and spending as much time on horseback as possible. Due to her parents' divorce she is forced to move in with her Mother in a city beach suburb as part of the divorce agreement to save the Station she loves.

Having never set foot in any type of School environment her eyes are opened to this new way of life. Being a little unorthodox, it's not long before she comes head to head with the schools one and only 'King of the Waves'. Avalon has never been one to back down no matter the situation and never refrains from speaking her mind, in fact she loves nothing more than to stir certain people up.

Although she desperately misses her family and her home her eyes have been opened to this new way of life and she sure as hell didn't expect to make great friends along the way. However there is one warning that everyone should pay heed to...


Rating: 10/10 

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